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fort|bildningsskola        232        fotogen|lampa

course; ~bildningsskola continuation

school, evening-school, adult-school, school

for adults; ~el (boktr.) grease, fat, vantage;

~fara to continue, to go on; ~gångsrapport

progress report

fortifikations|förvaltning; Kungl.

Teförvaltningen the Royal [Swedish] Fortifications

Administration; ~kår fortifications corps; (Br

äv.) Royal Engineers; Chefen för ¥ skåren

the Chief of the [Swedish] Army Fortifications

Corps; ~officer military engineer

fortkörare (ung.) speeding offender

fortlöpande continuing, continuous, running,

consecutive; ~ garanti continuing guarantee;

~ kommentar running commentary; ~ nummer

consecutive numbers; ~ numrerad numbered

in succession, consecutively numbered; ~

svets continuous weld; ~ tjocklekskontroll

continuous checking of thickness

fortplant [a to propagate; to transmit; ~ning

propagation, breeding; transmission,

translation; ~ningshastighet velocity of

propagation (translation); ~ningskonstant

propagation constant

fortskaffningsmedel means of transport

(transportation, conveyance, communication),

transport equipment (vehicle, facilities), carrier;

any means of transportation or communication

fortsätt|a to continue, to proceed [with]; ~ning

continuation; proceeding; fining följer to be

continued (concluded); ~ningsbetalning [a]

continuing payment; ~ningskommitté

continuation committee; ~ningsskola [day]

continuation school; ~ningsskolestyrelse

continuation school committee; ~ningsvis;

~ningsvis under detta protokolls giltighetstid (dipl.)

to continue for the duration of the validity

of this Protocol [to allow imports from]

forum (allm.) forum, quarter, place; (jur.)

jurisdiction, court, tribunal, forum, legal

domicile, jurisdictional ...; (äv.) venue;

allmänt ~ general jurisdiction; bolaget har inget

allmänt ~ i Sverige the company does not

come within the general jurisdiction of the

Swedish courts; behörigt ~ proper venue;

det hör ej till mitt ~ that is not in my

jurisdiction (forum); laga ~ competent court;

rätt ~ för [the] proper tribunal for, [the]

competent court for, proper (competent)

authorities (instance) for; överenskomma om ~

to elect [legal] domicile [at]; ~klausul

jurisdictional clause; ~regel jurisdictional rule

fosfat (kem.) phosphate; ~era to phosphatize,

to bonderize; ~ering phosphatizing,

bonderi-zation; ~gödningsämnen phosphate

fertilizers; ~krita phosphated chalk; ~salt

phos-phated salt; ~slagg phosphate slag

fos|fid (kem.) phosphide; ~fin phosphine,

hydrogen phosphide, phosphuretted

(phos-phoretted) hydrogen; ~fit phosphite;

~fo-niumjodid phosphonium iodide,


fosfor (grundämne) phosphorus; radioaktiv ~

radioactive phosphorus; amorf (röd) ~

amorphous (red) phosphorus; gul (vit) ~ yellow

(white) phosphorus

fosforbrons phosphor bronze; ~band phosphor-bronze

strip; ~duk phosphor-bronze

cloth (wire gauze); ~plåt phosphor-bronze

sheetings; ~rondell phosphor-bronze round;

~rör phosphor-bronze tubing; ~stång

phosphor-bronze rod; ~tråd phosphor-bronze


fosforjescens phosphorescence; ~halt

phosphorus content; ~it (råfosfat) phosphorite;

~järn ferrophosphorus; ~kalcium phosphor

calcium; ~koppar phosphor copper;

~lege-rad; sieger at stål phosphorus-alloyed steel;

~malm phosphoric ore; ~nitrid phosphorus

nitride; ~~skop (elektron.) phosphoroscope;

~oxiklorid phosphorous oxychloride,

phos-phoryl chloride; ~pentabromid phosphorus

pentabromide, phosphoric bromide

(perbro-mide); ~pentaklorid phosphorous

penta-chloride, phosphoric chloride (perchloride);

~pentoxid phosphoric anhydride (oxide),

phosphorus pentoxide, anhydrous phosphoric

acid; ~rik; ~rikt tackjärn phosphoric (US

high phosphorus) pig iron; ~salt phosphorus

salt, sodium ammonium phosphate;

~seskvi-sulfid phosphorus sesquisulphide,

tetraphos-phorus trisulphide; ~syra phosphoric acid;

~syraester phosphoric ester; ~syreanhydrid

se fosforpentoxid; ~tenn phosphor tin;

~tri-bromid phosphorous tribromide; ~trijodid

phosphorus triiodide; ~triklorid phosphorus

trichloride; ~trisulfid phosphorous

trisulphide; ~volframpigment phosphotungstic

pigment; ~volframsyra phosphotungstic

acid; ~väte se fosfin

fot (äv. typ.) foot [pl. feet]; (motor- äv.) base,

support, pedestal; column; engelsk ~ English

foot, (förk.) ft., f., F.

fotbolls|blåsa football bladder; ~dräkt football

dress, jersey and shorts; rig-out; ~förbund

football association; ~känga football boot;

~lag football team; ~läder football leather

fot|broms [pedal] brake; ~cirkel (tekn.) root

circle; (äv.) [a pair of] inside calipers

(callipers) ; ~drift foot-powrer operation;

-gångare (vägtrafikförordn.) pedestrian,

foot-passenger, road user on foot

foto photo [pl. photos], photograph; picture;

(kopia) print; ~album photo album; ~ateljé

photographic studio; ~automat automatic

photographic studio, photo automaton;

~biträde photographer’s assistant; ~blixt

flashlight [for photography]; ~cell photoelectric

cell, photocell; ~elektricitet photoelectricity;

(radioI.) photo-electric effect; ~elektrisk;

~elektrisk cell photoelectric cell; ~elektrisk

exponeringsmätare photoelectric exposure meter;

~elektrisk regulator photoelectric regulator;

~elektrod (TV) photo electrode; ~elektron

photoelectron; ~emission photoelectric

emission, photo-emissivity; ~framkallare

developer; ~fysik photophysics

fotogén (Br) paraffin-oil, paraffin; (US)

kerosene; ~brännare paraffin oil burner; ~dunk

paraffin oil can; ~förgasningslampa

vaporized oil lamp; ~gas petroleum gas; ~kanna

paraffin-oil can; ~kök oil stove (cooker);

(Br) paraffin [cooking] stove; (US) kerosene

(petroleum, petroleum-oil) stove; (äv.)

pressure stove; ~lampa paraffin (US kerosene)

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