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trafik|departement        1019        trafik|reglering

~departement Ministry of Transport;

ndi-rektör traffic manager (director); ~dirigering

regulation of traffic, traffic regulation;

~dirigeringsuppgifter (förpolis) point duty;

~domare traffic [court] judge; ndomstol traffic

court; ndrulle road-hog; ndygn (radio.)

radio day; ndöd; ~döden the traffic toll, the

toll of the roads, the road deaths (casualties),

the road casualty figures [for May]; (US)

the auto deaths; ndödas to be killed in a

traffic (road, rail) accident; ~dödsfall fatal

road accident, traffic (road) casualty; nera

to use, to frequent, to travel by (on); to

operate, to work; to run (ply) on; ~era en

linje to serve on a line, to operate (run; fly)

a line; nerad carrying a great deal of traffic,

busy, crowded; ~erad banlängd (järnv.) length

of fine operated; ~expedition traffic office;

~expert traffic expert; ~fil traffic lane;

~film traffic film (grime)

trafikflyg air service[s]; (äv.) civil aviation;

nar|certifikat commercial pilot’s licence;

nare airline (commercial) pilot; (koll.) [the]

airline piloting profession; nar|förbund;

Brittiska ~ar|förbundet the British Air Line

Pilots’ Association; nar|förening;

Internationella federationen av ~ar|föreningar the

International Federation of Air Line Pilots’

Associations, (förk.) IFALPA; nbåt

commercial flying boat; ~fält commercial airport;

nning commercial flying (aviation); ~plan

commercial plane (aeroplane, airplane,

aircraft, liner), airliner; passenger plane

trafikflykt hit-and-run [offence]; åtalad för ~

accused of leaving the scene of an accident

trafik|forening (da.); Dansk T’n-F’orening the

Danish Traffic Society; ~forskning traffic

(road) research; ~forskningslaboratorium

traffic (road) research laboratory; ~frekvens

incidence (pressure) of traffic, traffic load;

~fyr traffic light; (äv.) illuminated guard

post; nfälla road trap, dangerous crossing;

(polis-) police-trap; nfärg traffic paint;

~förbund traffic (transport) association (society);

~fördelning distribution of traffic;

(gradeering) grading [of traffic]; nförening se

~förbund; nföreskrift se nförordning; nföretag

carrier, transport (public transport,

transportation, haulage) company, public transport

service[s], traffic enterprise, operating agency;

allmännyttigt nföretag common carrier;

~för-man traffic department foreman;

~förordning traffic regulations (rules); nförseelse

traffic offence (US offense)

trafikförsäkring traffic insurance, motor third

party insurance, compulsory motor third

party liability insurance; regleringsfond för ~

regulation fund for traffic insurance;

~s|-anstalt; Tnj-janstalternas Nämnd the Swedish

Traffic Insurance Companies’ Committee on

Personal Compensation Matters;

Tns|föreningen the Swedish Association of Traffic

Insurance Companies

trafik|hinder traffic obstacle[s] (interruption),

obstacles to traffic, obstruction to running;

ningenjör traffic engineer; ninspektör

traffic superintendent (inspector, manager);

ninstitut; Stockholms Tyinstitut the Stockholm

Traffic Institute; nintensitet volume (density)

of traffic, intensity of traffic load; (järnv. äv.)

load on section; nintäkter traffic receipts

pl.; ~kapacitet traffic[-carrying] capacity;

~knut[punkt] traffic centre (junction);

n-kommission; Statens Tykommission the

National [Swedish] Transport Commission;

n-konstapel policeman (constable) on point

duty; ~kontor (flyg.) traffic office;

~kontroll traffic (point) control; ~kontrollsystem

traffic (point) control system; ~kultur traffic

education; nkungörelse traffic ordinance;

~kvot share (part, proportion) of traffic;

nlagar traffic laws; nled traffic route;

nledare (flyg.) control officer, air traffic

controller; nledning traffic routing; working

circuit; ~lekplan model traffic playground;

nlekskola (ung.) safety education course;

traffic play (nursery) school

trafiklinje traffic line; nfärg traffic [line] paint,

traffic line paint compound, street-marking

(road-marking) paint; mastic [varnish] for

traffic lines; cleanosol; nmarkering

traffic-line marking, traffic-zoning; ~platta

traffic-line block

trafik|lista (radio.) traffic list; nljus traffic

light; nlättnader simplification of traffic

formalities; nmarkering traffic (road,

roadway, carriageway) marking[s];

nmarkerings-platta traffic tüe; nmarkeringsstift street

marker, traffic (road) stud; nmaskin (for

nanalys) traffic analyser; nmateriel means

of transport; nmedel means of traffic

(conveyance, communication), transport

conveyances; (tel.) means of transmission; nmedlens

utveckling the development of communications;

nminister Minister of Transport; nmàl

traffic case; domstol i ~mål traffic court;

nmärke road (traffic control) marker, traffic

sign; koniskt nmärke (för tillfällig avspärrning)

conical road obstruction marker; nmästare

traffic supervisor;

nnykterhetsbestämmel-ser road (traffic) temperance regulations;

nolycka traffic (road) accident; fall av

smitning från ~ olycka hit-and-run case;

nolycks-falls statistik road accident statistics, statistics

of road traffic accidents; nområde traffic area

(zone); ~onykterhet [less severe degree of]

drunken driving; jfr rattonykterhet; ~patrull

traffic patrol; ~plan schedule; (flyg.)

commercial plane (aeroplane, airplane, aircraft,

[air]liner), airliner; ~planering traffic

planning; ~plats (anknytning till motorväg; äv.:

mot) junction (crossing) of motor and service

(secondary) roads, service road connection

(junction), motor (arterial) road turning

(junction), connection lay-out, (äv.) cloverleaf

crossing; ~polis traffic police (person

policeman ) ; (person, särsk. Br) point-duty policeman,

policeman on point-duty, pointsman; (US

fam.) traffic cop; ~psykolog traffic

psychologist; ~psykologisk of traffic psychology,

traffic-psychological; ~fegel traffic

regulation, rule of the road; nreglemente traffic

ordinance (regulations pl.); nreglerad;

~reglerad väg restricted road; nreglering traffic

control (regulation service), regulation of traf-

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