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circonspection and conscientiousness; but, with respect to the language in linguistical
s ense, it can be made with much more facility, because the grammatical terms and phrases
here should be very simple, strict and direct, thorough, just and short, without complicate
turns, poetical modes of speaking or artistical locutions in proper sense. To write such a
work j am fully able, because j possess the necessary erudition.
For instance:

— Ä Dictionary of the universal Literature (Encyclopædia Litteraria) must
contain an enumeration, in alphabetical ordre, of all (more or less) celebrated authors in
the world, with short biographical notices (in what country and in what time or historical
periods they did live), the works they have published or written, their value, the best
editions, &c.

— A Dictionary of the fine Arts, likewise and analogue to the foregoing, must
be an enumeration, in alphabetical order, of the (more or less) distinguished Painters,
Composers of Music, Poets, Romanciers, Architects, &c, with a compact Characteristic of their
genius, a short exposition of their best Pictures, Musical compositions, Poetical works &c,
in what country and what period the flourished, &c.

— A Dictionary of the Inventions and of Artisans must have for object to
give notices, in alphabetical order, of all usefull inventions, made from the earliest times to
the latest periods, with the names of the Inventors, the explanation and developments of
©very art, the most excellent artisans in every one &c. &c.

— A Historical Dictionary–––-(analogue Scheme)–––––––-&c.–––-

I do not know, that Dictionaries, such as the above mentioned, are to be found,
written of american authors; or, if they exist, they must be of old date, and for that reason
incomplete now, obsolete, very rare in the Book-trade and inaccessible to the Public.
Undoubtedly a work in that line would be valuable and appreciated, not alone by the
professors of learning, the students of arts and sciences, or people of exceptional business,
but by all men, in the common social life, in the circles of conversation, yet in the circles
of women too: shortly, by all people desirous of knowledges, because some wants of
notices always can be found, occasionally, although one may be very well instructed.

Of course, j think that such a Work should be a good entreprise, usefull and
acceptable, well taken in the Public, and well rewarding the Publisher himself.

Huruvida denna i renskrivet koncept bevarade skrivelse verkligen
av-låtits till någon förläggare, är icke känt. Att Almqvist försökt sig på att på
engelska skriva skildringar från Texas, är förut bekant genom Bergs bok,
där1 ett bevarat brottstycke av en dylik skildring med novellistiskt anslag
finnes avtryckt. Riktigheten av de anmärkningar som Almqvist fäller
angående svårigheten för en utlänning att i vitter form skriva på ett så egenartat
språk som det engelska är han den förste att besanna. Hans egna bevarade
blyertskoncept bära genom de talrika korrigeringarna och strykningarna av
alldeles felaktiga eller misslyckade vändningar vittnesbörd om vilken möda
den språkliga utformningen kostat honom. Och med vilket resultat! Det

1 Berg, anf. arb., s. 242—245. — Till den av Berg avtryckta skildringen finnes bland
Uppsala universitets bibliotek nyförvärvade Almqvistpapper ett i huvudsak likalydande,
med blyerts å fyra kvartblad skrivet första koncept. Som å dessa blad även finnes med
blyerts nedkastat ett första utkast till den av mig här efter ett med bläck renskrivet koncept
avtryckta skrivelsen till en ev. förläggare, kan med visshet sägas, att den av Berg tryckta
texten just är den i skrivelsens ingress omnämnda ’little Sketch or Delineation of Texas’.

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