- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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#nE SxJçTS-BOY. 129
As much from his own inclination, as fo secure Amelia from
the impudence of the chamberlain, Borgenstierna sat down close
by ber side, and a profound feeling came over Mm, in x#,hich he
forgot all that was transpiring around him. tte heard nothing
of De Goesse’s foolish conversation, nor ’#Iademoiselle :Nyquist’s
everlasting stories. #e thought only–felt only. tte saw only
Amelia, as she sat there holding hîs chfld in her arms. tte saw
ber uneasiness concerning his son, and heard ber relate to him
the conclusion of the beautiful story whlch had been broken off
in the morning. If ît had hOt been necessary for Alfred’s health
fo retura home soon, he would bave been willing to sit always
in the swaying boat. The rosy clouds of the evening sky were
reflected in the water. They were the symbols of the sky whlch
now arose within his inner world; the clouds of the latter were
also now covered with gold #vith the difference only that if
was, with.his heaven, the rising sun wh;ch developed ifs genial
Borgenstierna was aroused from his dreams by the vo;ce of
]V[adame de Dressen, who requested Amelia to allow her fo take
"#o, I assure you, mother, he does hot trouble me in the
least," replied Amelia, and if was hot until then that Ivar remem-
bered that he had hot thanked her even once for her kindness,
and that he had hOt even thought that if could bave troubled
ber. Confused with his long silence, he bowed down over the
boy, but st the saine rime his lips touched Amelia’s sort hand,
whîch he mîstook for Alfred’s brow. I-te thanked the twilight
that no one on the boat observed this accidental contact; but
neverthcless he was sensible of it, and felt ifs thrilling effect in
his innermost heart, and through every nerve, and drew back
#¢ithout speaking a word.
Amelia’s sensations were, properly speaking, only those of
surprise; although she entertained a dira uncertain des;re to 1)lease
]#orgenstierna, she, notwithstanding, felt a certain uneasiness as

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