- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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te him as if his noble name, which stood in crying opposition te
former times, was almost sneering af his recollections, and loaded
him with an indescribable burden, tte endeavoured, by ail
means in
he felt the power and courage te clear his escutcheon ri’oto the
tbick dust which had sullied it se long.
Ivar did net love outwm-d show–neither power ner honour
his claires were based on nothing but civil vîrtue and interior
value. He did net hate nobility, of which he was, te all appear-
ance, a scion, but without a root. But it appeared te him as
though the shoot would again recover ifs lire, and #ow up more
vigorously if it was transplanted into another soil.
lgevertheless, he was net that evening in that state of mind,
#vhich in a like contemplation, se frequent at other rimes, could
bave depressed his spirits. His thoughts were solely with the
treasure that he had left in the care of the two female beings
toward whom he felt himself se ranch attracted. In the course
of the afçenmon the boy had become somewhat better, and Bor-
genstienm had left him but a few hours before, in a quiet, re-
freshing sluml#er. In spire of all this, the father was tortured
#vit#l ail unceasing uneashmss. The cool night-breeze had already
fanned his dejected countenance, and scarcely aware what he was
doing, he descended the steep rocks which connect Stroemdal
with the so-called Slotter Mountains. He soon reached a mill-
data, passed over the little bridge just as the clock in the tower
was striking twelve, and stood suddenly, without having properly
#vished it se, on the north side again, in front of the buflding
occupied by the family of the Lieutenant-colonel De Dressen.
tte saw a dira light glimmering frein the inner room, and
thought he saw a shadow behind the curtains, which was movîng
to #nd fro. "They bave moved him into #nother room," though#
Ivar. "I-I# was undoubtedly uneasy, #nd disturbed A.melia in
ber sleep. She must be f#tigued from dancing #t the ball# but
who can be with him now# t)robably a nurse. I-]:e was angry

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