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(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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" God protect me from commanding you, my honoured lady!
You do hOt wish fo understand that by this dcep fountain I
mean your own bewitching eyes."
"We bave but a well here from wh;ch you may expect such a
favom;" replied Amelia, with a slight maliciousness.
"And where does it lie, sorceress #" exclaimed Mr.. de Goesse,
looking with dizzy rapture af the lady of his hear#.
"In the cour#-yard, ncar the big elder bush. Ifs water is so
clear and bright, tha# King Charles’s well, near S#roemstad,
hardly equals i#. Do you still remember, M:r. de Goesse, how
old Baron Lindenskoeld gloried in the well, as though there was
nothing like it in the world #."
" Oh, yes, I remember it ! :But I had believed–there, fo tel]
the truth, I had hoped "
« And I am so imprudent as to hope th#t the chamberlain
wi]l bel 1) me fo wind a couple of skeins of silk."
" Oh, #vith enthusiasm ! I am your most obedient–I am your
devou# slave! Do with me whatever you please! Give me
herring-salad I shall eat i# !–give me sfik !–I sh#ll wind
" ’ Give me a battle and the sword ;
For I can conquer or fall !’
as #Merius says. :Nothing can be too hard or impossible for me,
iI" I can only gain your i##vour by it !"
"Then you will oblige me by going into the next room; I
#vill follow you in a moment."
De Goesse’s long shanks took three long steps from the loantry
into the parlour; there he sat down in quiet submissiveness on a
stool near the sofa. ttundred of rimes before had he heard of
knights who had sat a# the ïeet of their mistresses, pl#ying with
theîr silken ringlets; certainly this rime if was only allowed him
fo play with the silken skeins of his goddess; this, however, was
something–a good commencement at least.
:But, oh, horror ! how much did the full-moon face of our polite

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