- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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"I wish that the––!" exclaimed the lieutenant-colonel;
and ol#ening the door with a vigorous shove, ho displayed his
l#or#ly figure on the threshold, over which the company was
now entering.
"A_ natur#tl effusion of feelings–the high importance of the
day," said the lieutenant-colonel, in a tone which sounded strange
indeed, after what had jus# hoEppened, "bas kept us together
some moments; but fo the congratulations of our dear fr]ends
and neighbours this narrow circle is now opened. I heartily
welcome you all !"
After this sii#gular speech, during which the lieutenant-colonel
remaincd standing in the doorway, fo afford rime for iris wife and
daughtcr to compose themselvcs, the guests streamed int.o the
room, and poured thcir congratulations forth in torrents.
"And why, do you think, I con#atulate myseff the most#’
said thc lieutenant-colonel, stauding proudly in the centre of the
room, where ho w#ts visible fo all, and where ho could himse]f
perceive the impression c.aused by his words.
As thcse preliminary words did hot mee¢ with any reply from
the auditory, ho continued:
"Yes, gentlemen and ladics, I bave the utmost reason fo con-
gratulate mysçlf that I bave a son-in-law who is so much froc
from prcjudice as #Ir. Borgcnsticrna. l#ow-a-days every one who
bas money is able fo obtain a titlc; but ail do not display that
glowing patriotism that so much becomes us. Take notice, dear
friends, that )Ir. Borgenstierna bas taken the liberty of calling
himself master-tanner merely pro forma, beca.use an extensive
tannery is attached fo his estates. I consider this a highly
h#nourable trait on the part of a nobleman who maintains such
liberal views, and ara convinced that# you all will joy#lly
recognise with me this extraordinary, and in all resl#ects truly
noble method of action."
As the #m#ests were proclaiming their acknowled##nents of this

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