- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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295 #E S#JçTS-BOV.
opinion as long as I ean sec. Thanl# God, that Larnm is such a
man as he really is."
"And I th,#nk God that :Borgenstierna is sueh a man as he
really is," interrupted Amelia, playftflly. "We both bave reasoa
fo be thankful; but sec, what a beautiful carriage that is! #Not
one of out neighbours owns such a one; there is no one in if. I
wonder what if means."
"Look! your bridegroom is just walking across the yard.
Supposing if should belong to him! Ah, that would be # nico
coach for nay young lady."
A deep blush overspread Amelia’s couatenance af this hOt
improbable remarl« And although she had never said anything
about if» she thought thaç ]3orgensçierna’s old coach w#s # little
too old-fashioned to eonduct a yo#rng wife home; but she had
hOt dared fo raise ber wishes so lfigh as fo the one which now
stood in the court-yard.
"What are you chattering about ?" said she fo ]ç[ina. "ttow
can you believe such a thing #"
The conclusion of ber sentence was prevented by steps upon
the st#ircase. If was :Borgenstierna who knocked a# the door,
and asked ber fo corne down, saying,
" I want you #o look at your carriage."
Amelia opened the door.
" bly carriage, dear Ivar ?" said she, and ber eyes spa.rkled
#vith secret joy.
" Yes, yours, dearest Arnelia."
Arm in arm they descended #o the cour#-yard. The bride-
groom opened the carriage door, and with a joyful leap the
happy bride entered the carriage, and seating herself on the sof#
cushions, swayed to and fro in childish glee.
Ia the meantirne, the lieutenant-colonel had arrived, and
having seen the rnodern coach, had donned his uniform, to receive
his exalted guests in a proper rnanner; bu# was neverthele##
pl#asantly surprised when he round his daughter in the carriage

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