- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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TRE sxJters-sov. 315
stood alone and forsaken, a stranger in a foreign land. Only
think of it, dear father–she was left alone with ber unpro#ected
child with your own dear little Amelia !"
"5res, if was hewGod bless him for if ! I bave long thought
so !" exclaîmed Madame de Dressen, extending her hand to ber
husband. "If you ever loved me, dear Dressen, and if you love
me now, then let us strike glasses in a general reconciliation."
"Yes, yes !" cried Wir5n, interrupting ber with warmth.
"Let peace and friendship unite nobleman and citizen in true
and firm concord. Ivar will remain the saine noblefellow that
he was before, even if his name should for the future be deprived
of the title–’-sticrna ;’ and the lieutenant-colonel will be just
as portly a gentleman, even ff his daughter should now repay an
old debt."
We lire st the present rime, thanks to the progressive age, in
a sphere where aristocratic prejudices are no longer the order of
the day; and the man of the world does hot only conform to the
rimes, but he also unites in ifs progTess.
The lieutenant-colonel was on thorns. What should he do ?
Amelia was married, and would be oblîged to we#r the naine,
Mrs. Borg, good or bad; therefore there was no use in his
swimming against the stream. The result would be, that he
would be obliged to break off entirely from his son-in-law ; and
¢his would hot be p]easant, as he dcpe#ded upon sundry little
services from :Borgenstierna.
"Curse that bathing-journey !" muttered the lieutenant-colonel
fo himself; but added aloud, and hot withouç apparent dislike,
"As Ameliu will not be willing fo sue for a bill of divorce, I
raust needs perform the part of a tender çather in the comedy,
and s#y, ’ Amen !’"
"#Now, dear father-in-law," cried Borgenstierna, as a stalle of
satisfactîon played around his lips, "now if is my turn to blush.
-# bave carried the jest a little too far, and ara now ready fo beg
your pardon, since you bave submitted. I bave rmt disposed of

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