- Project Runeberg -  Den Norske Nordhavs-expedition 1876-1878 / The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition 1876-1878 / 1. Bind /

(1880-1901) [MARC]
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skere. Herom have vi allerede modtaget Vidnesbyrd fra
disse Kanter. Paa samme Tid have vi og bragt i
Erfaring, at den Britiske Regjering ikke agter at lade
„Challenger” overtage denne Undersøgelse af vort Ishavsbækken,
som vi her have for Øie.

Til Udførelse af Expeditionen Arbejder kræves en
Zoolog med et Par Assistenter, en Fysiker og en
Chemiker, forsaavidt det Videnskabelige angaar. Til Arbejdstid
maatte vælges de roligste Sommermaaneder, thi med uroligt
Hav er Arbejdet i de fleste Retninger umuligt. 2½
Maaned, fra Midten af Juni til Slutningen af August er den
længste Arbejdstid, man kunde gjøre Regning paa, og af
denne Tid vilde mange Dage ikke kunne benyttes, naar
Vejret er uroligt.

Af de til Expeditionen fornødne Apparater er Skibet
det vigtigste og kostbareste. Et saadant maatte være et
Dampskib, der besad tilstrækkelig Kraft til at manøvreres
for Maskinen i ethvert saadant Vejr, hvori Undersøgelser
af Havdybet overhovedet kunde foretages; det maatte kunne
medtage Kul for en længere Tid og have en
brændebesparende Maskine, have flere Baade til forskjellige
Undersøgelser og et tilstrækkeligt Mandskab til Udførelse af alle
med Dybvandsundersøgelser forbundne, ikke ganske lette
Arbejder. Til disse udfordres ogsaa et Dampspil.
Desuden udfordres et Arbejdsrum for de videnskabelige
Undersøgelser, som kunne udføres ombord.

Efter de Undersøgelser, vi ved Sagkyndiges Hjelp
have anstillet, findes der blandt norske Dampfartøjer for
Tiden ikke noget, som opfylder de nævnte Betingelser.
Med Hensyn til Tilvejbringelse af et passende Fartøj for
Expeditionen stiller der sig nu trende Alternativer.

A. Anskaffelsen af et nyt Skib. Med Hensyn til
dette Punkt ere vi saa heldige at kunne nævne et
Overslag over dets Kostende, som er blevet os velvillig meddelt
af Nylands mekaniske Verksted. Dette Verksted har
nemlig fra den russiske Regjering, modtaget Opfordring til at
udarbejde Overslag over Omkostningerne ved Anskaffelse
af et nyt Jerndampskib, med Skrue, skikket til Opsyns- og
Opmaalingsfartøj, af en Størrelse og med en Udrustning
og Indredning, som paa det allernærmeste falder sammen
med, hvad vi efter Samraad med Sagkyndige anse passende
for en Expedition som den af os her omhandlede. Et
saadant Skib vilde efter Nylands Verksteds Overslag, med
fuld Udrustning, Dampspil, Baade, Høj- og
Lavtryks-Maskine af fuld Kraft for Fartøjet, koste 40,000 til 45,000
Spd. efter Nutidens Priser.

B. Den Krigsmarinen tilhørende Skrueskonnert
“Alfen”, som man jhavde tænkt at sælge, kunde med en
passende Omforandring blive et for Expeditionen
hensigtsmæssigt Skib. Naar man forsynede Fartøjet med ny
hensigtsmæssigere og større Skrue, en ny større og sterkere Kjedel,

on the part of British savants. Of this we have already
received assurance. We are also able to state, that the
basin of the Arctic Ocean will not be investigated by the
“Challenger” Expedition.

The scientific work involved in such an undertaking,
would call for the services of a naturalist, with one or two
assistants, a physicist, and a chemist. As regards the most
ftting season of the year for the cruises of the Expedition,
this would be obviously the finest summer months; for in
rough weather the greater part of the work of which there can
be question is utterly impracticable. Two months and a
half — from the middle of June to the end of August —
might be reasonably calculated upon, including of course
many stormy days on which nothing could be done.

Of all that is needed for the Expedition, the choice
of a vessel would be the chief consideration, as her
acquisition would involve the greatest outlay. She should be a
steamer, with an engine sufficiently powerful to admit of
working her in any weather that did not render the
exploration of the ocean-depths altogether impracticable;
she must, too, be able to take out coals for a considerable
period, have an engine specially adapted for economising
fuel, be provided with several boats, in which, when
occasion called, to put off from the ship, and moreover be
manned by a crew sufficiently numerous to do all the
work connected with sounding, dredging, trawling, &c.
which, being mostly of a laborious character, would require
a steam-winch for its effective execution. Finally, there
must be room on board for instituting such observations
and experiments as admit of being undertaken at sea.

Having made inquiry of persons specially conversant
with the subject, we are in a position to state, that, at the
present moment, there is no Norwegian steamer that fulfils
the conditions specified above. Now, as regards the
acquisition of a vessel for the proposed Expedition, choice can
be made between three alternatives.

A. The purchase of a new vessel. With respect to
this alternative, we are in possession of an estimate, kindly
furnished by the Manager of the Nyland Mechanical Works.
The said Works have been requested by the Russian
Government to give an estimate of the cost of an iron
screw-steamer for the Coast Survey of that country, which, as
regards burden, tackling, and general equipment corresponds
very nearly with the description of vessel that we, having
duly consulted experts, believe to be most suitable for the
Expedition proposed in this Memorial. Such a steamship,
fully equipped, with compound engines, steamwinch, boats,
&c., could, as prices now stand, according to the estimate
of the Nyland Works, be built for a sum of from Spd.
40,000 to Spd. 45,000.

B. The screw-schooner “Alfen,” belonging to the
Royal Navy, which was to have been sold, might, by
sufficiently extensive alterations, be made a suitable ship for
the Expedition. Furnished with a new and improved
propeller of increased dimensions, with larger and stronger

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