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(1869) [MARC] Author: Joachim Ebbell With: Ole Jacob Broch - Tema: Telecom
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as shall be requisite for carrying into effect the
objects and purpose of tbis Act, tbe prøvisions
contained in tbis Act or in the agreements here
by confirmed relating to the arrangements with
railway and telegraph corapanies, and all pro
ceedings thereunder, shall become void.“
It was clear, then, that the matter would
still be left open, although tbis Bill passed.
Mr. Gladstone. — — His third reason for
wishing the Bill to pass was that it appeared to
hira that until the Bill had gone forward and the
investigations contemplated under it had been
made it would be impossible to know the ground
on which they stood or to have a certainty as
to the sums with which they were dealing, or
the relation between those sums and the pro
perty they were to acquire. — — — — There
was one of the difficulties to which he never
attached the slightest importancc, and that was
that Her Majesty’s Government had devised un
der the form of this Bill an ingenious scheme for
assuming into their hands previous to and in
preparation for the general election a vast quan
tity of additional patronage. He was never so
sanguine as to think that they would be able to
entertain so diabolical a plot, or that it would
be possible for them with all the ingenuity that
this world or the nether world could supply to
carry it out. — — — — It was the misfortune
and not the fault of the right hon. gentleman
that the Honse was called upon to give some
thing in the nature of an assent to a presump
tive bargain made by the Government, and which
had received the Parliamentary sanction of a
committee at a time when it was impossible for
the House to~complete the operation by passing
another Bill — first, because they did not know
the facts, and, second, because the right hon.
gentleman would not under the circumstances
enter upon such a financial operation. That
would be a matter of comparative insignificance
if the question were to be considered by the
same body next year; but, as ’it would not be,
Pengesum som skal udfordres til Iværksættelsen
af nærværende Lovs Tanke og Øiemed, skulle de
Bestemmelser, der indeholdes i nærværende Lov
eller i de ved den godkjendte Kontrakter angaa
ende Overenskomsten med Jernbane- og Telegraf-
Kompagnier og alle i den Anledning trufne For
føininger blive ugyldige."
Det var saaledes klart, at Sagen fremdeles
vilde staa uafgjort, om endog denne Bill gik
Hr. Gladstone. — — Hans tredie Grund
til at ønske, at Billen maatte gaa igjennem, var,
at det forekom ham, at førend Billen var bleven
fremmet og de under Billen paatænkte Undersø
gelser vare anstillede, vikle det være umuligt at
vide, paa hvilken Grund man stod, eller at have
nogen Yished med Hensyn til de Summer, hvor
om der var Spørgsmaal eller til Forholdet mellem
disse Beløb og den Eiendom man skulde erhver
ve. — — — — Der var en af Indvendingerne,
— Der var en af Indvendingerne,
som han ikke tillagde den ringeste Betydning, og
det var den, at Hendes Majestæts Regjering skulde
i Form af denne Biil have udspekuleret et sindrigt
Middel, til at forskaffe sig en overordentlig forøget
Understøttelse forud for og som Forberedelse for
de almindelige Yalg. Han var ikke saa sangvinsk
at tro, at dentjkunde nære et saa djævolsk An
slag, eller at det vilde være den muligt med al
den Kløgt, som denne Verden eller Underverde
nen kunde give, at drive det igjennem. —
— Det var den høistærede Herres Uheld, ikke
hans Feil, at Huset opfordredes til at give noget,
som lignede dets Bifald til et presumptivt af Re
gjeringen sluttet Kjøb, som havde faaet parlia
mentarisk Sanktion af en Komité paa en Tid, da
det var umuligt for Huset at fuldstændiggjøre
Operationen ved at antage en anden Bill — først,
fordi det ikke kjendte Fakta, og for det andet,
fordi den høistærede Herre ikke under disse Om
stændigheder vilde indgaa paa en saadan Finants
operation. Dette vilde være en Sag af forholds
vis Ubetydelighed, dersom Spørgsmaalet skulde
overveies af den samme Forsamling næste Aar;
men da dette ikke vilde blive Tilfælde, var det
ønskeligt at forstaa klart den Stilling, hvori det
78 [X.

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