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(1869) [MARC] Author: Joachim Ebbell With: Ole Jacob Broch - Tema: Telecom
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population, and open for too small a portion of
the day. That in the countries in which the tele
graphs are under the control of the State, lower
rates, and a more widely spread telegraphic sy
stem prevails. That, in such countries, correspon-%,
dence by telegraph has become more general, and,
as it were, more popular than in this country.
And, lastly, that in the United Kingdom like re
sults would follow the adoption of like means, and
that from the annexation of the English telegraphs
to the English Post Office, there would accrue
great advantage to the public and ultimately a
large revenue to the State. They broached some
other proposiiions which I have not included in
that summary, because my inquiries did not enable •
me altogether to substantiate them.
82. Do you consider also, that telegraphic
means of communication is of importance to the
whole community, and ought to be placed within
their reach? — 1 do.
83. As much as facility of communicating
by letter? — Quite as much; 1 think the more
you can increase the means and facilities of com
munication, the more you stimulate trade, ecouomise
Capital, and facilitate every operation of commerce.
84. Håving that view, do you think it a
matter ot such importance, that it is one which
ought to be taken up by the Government in the
interests of the country? — I do.
85. And that mere private speculators for
the advantage of dividend are not so likely tb
consider the interests of the public as the Go
vernment office would? — I think that they are
bound to consider the interests of their sharehol
ders before they consider the interests of the
86. The question of Capital and dividend,
would not arise if those matters were under the
management of a public office? — No; the Post
Office would be bound in the interest of the na
tion to make its system self-supporting undoubtedly,
and in doing that they could not avoid making a
profit; bui profit is not the first object in view.
88. Will you just explain to us the pecu-
Tid af Dagen. At i de Lande, hvor Telegraferne
staa under Statens Kontrol ,’ er der lavere Taxter
og et videre udbredt Telegrafsystem. At i saa
danne Lande er Korrespondance pr. Telegraf ble
ven mere almindelig og saa at sige mere populær
end heriillands. Og endeligt, at i det forenede
Kongerige vilde de samme Resultater følge afAn
vendelsen af de samme Midler, og at der af de
engelske Telegrafers Tilknytning til det engelske
Postvæsen vilde opsiaa stor Fordel for Publikum og
fremtidigt en stor Indtægt for Staten. De frem
satte endel fere Paastande, som jeg ikke har op
« t *
taget i denne Oversigt, fordi mine Undersøgelser
ikke have; sat mig istand til ganske at konstatere
deres Rigtigiied.
82. Er De ogsaå af den Mening, at tele
grafiske Kommunikatknsmidler ere af Yigtighed
for det store Publikum og at det. bør have let
Adgang dertil ? — Ja.
83. Ligesaa let som til Brevkorrespon
dance? — Jafuldkommen. Jeg tror, at jo mere
man forøger Midlerne og Letheden for Kommunika
tion, desto mere stimulerer man Handelen, ekonomi
serer Kapital og letter enhver Forretningsoperation.
84. Naar De har denne Anskuelse, anser
De det da for en Sag af saa stor Yigtighed, at
det er en, som bør optages af Regjeringen i
Landets Interesse? — Ja.
85.- Og holder De for, at Private, der blot
spekulere for et fordelagtigt Udbytte, efter al
Sandsynlighed ikke ville tage det Hensyn til Pu
blikums Interesse, som Regjeringen vilde gjøre?
— Jeg tror, at de ere forpligtede til at tage
Hensyn til sine Aktionærers Interesse, før de se
hen til Publikums.
86. Spørgsmaalet om Kapital og Dividende
vilde ikke opstaa, naar disse Sager stode under
et Regjeringskontors Bestyrelse? — Nei; Post
væsenet vilde i Nationens Interesse utvivlsomt være
forbundet til at bringe sit System til at bære sig
seiv, og da kunde man ikke undgaa at faa nogen
Fortjeneste; men Fordelen er ikke det, man væ
sentligt har for Øie.
88. Yil De være saa god at forklare os
XIX. Bil. ]

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