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(1869) [MARC] Author: Joachim Ebbell With: Ole Jacob Broch - Tema: Telecom
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marine Telegraph Company by terms of the agree
ment between that company and the Britisk and
Irish. Magnetic Company.
183. I believe, with regard to the leasing
that was spoken of yesterday, Clause 8 of the
Bill, which gives power to the Postmaster-Gene
ral, with the consent of the Lords Commissio
ners of Her Majesty’s Treasury, to lease any
part or parts of the undertaking, has been in
serted in contemplation of that acquisition in
case you should not care to work the cables
yourself? — It has.
184. That clause probably is specially aimed
at the submarine cables rather than anything
else? — It was exclusively aimed at the subma
rine cables. I may state further that lue are at
present in communication with Mr. Reuter and
with the Submarine Telegraph Company, andpro
bably by Monday we may be able to state to the
Committee that some difinite terms have been
agreed to.
331. Mr. Hope Scott.*) Your answer to
me upon this subject indicates that you at all
events have not studied the working of the tele
graph system very carefully? — I have not stu
died the engineering of telegraphy. I have no
knowledge whatever upon tljs subject.
334. So that the benefit of this change of
system will not arise from any amendment of the
practical working of the telegraphs as far as in
telligence and skill goes for some time tocome?
— lt certainly will not arise from any special
knowledge on my part of telegraphy.
335. Is there anybody at the Post Office
who has that special knowledge? — 1 am not
aiuare that there is.
G. Harrison, Esq.**),
cross-examined by
401. Mr. Denrson.*) You have spoken also
about insured messages, and you have complained,
Fthink, of B l. being the maximum for which any
compensation may be given. What security or what
promise have you that you can get from the Go
vernment even 5 l. compensation for mis-sending
a message? — I believe that if the Government
*) Mr. Hope Scott and Mr. Deniaon — counsels to the
Telegraph _Companies and some of the Kailvvay Com
panies against the Bill,
**) G. Harrison, Esq., merchant at Edinburgh and Chair
man of the Edinburgh Chamber of Comxnerce.
ville vi ligeoverfor Submarine Telegraph, Co. for
pligtes efter Vilkaarene i Overenskomsten mellem
dette Kompagni og Britisk and Irish Magnetic Co.
183. Jeg antager med Hensyn til den Bort
forpagtning, hvorom der taltes igaar, at Billena
Klausul 8 *), der giver Generalpostmesteren Be
myndigelse til, med Samtykke af Hds. Majestæts
Skatkammer-Lorder, at bortforpagte hvilkensom
helst Del eller Dele af Anlægget, er bleven ind
tagen med denne Erhvervelse for Øie i Tilfælde
af, at De ikke skulde bryde Dem om at drive
Kablerne seiv? — Ja.
184. Denne Klausul sigter sandsynligvis spe
cielt til Undersøkablerne mere end til nogetsom
helst Åndet? — Den var udelukkende beregnet paa
Undersøkablerne. Jeg kan fremdeles oplyse, at vifor
nærværende staa i Underhandling med Hr. Reuter
og Submarine Telegraph Co. , og sandsynligvis
ville vi paa Mandaq kunne melde Komiteen, at
der er opnaaet Enighed om visse bestemte Betin
331. Hr. Hope Scott.**) Deres Svar til mig
angaaende denne Gjenstand viser, at De i ethvert
Fald ikke har studeret Driftsmaaden ved Telegraf
væseuet meget omhyggeligt ?— Jeg har ikke studeret
den tekniske Side ved Telegrafvæsenet, Jeg har in
gensomhelst Kjendskab til denne Gjenstand.
334. Fordelen ved denne Systemforandring
vil altsaa ikke opstaa af nogen Forbedring i den
praktiske Drift af Telegraferne, paa Grund af
større Skjønsomhed og Dygtighed i den nærmeste
Fremtid? — Den vil visselig ikke opstaa af nogen
specielKjendskab til Telegrafvæsenet fra min Side.
335. Er der Nogen i Postkontoret, der har
en saadan speciel Kundskab ? — Jeg kjender ikke
til, at der er Nogen.
Hr. G. Harris on f),
krydsexamineret af
401. Hr. De ni son.**) De har ogsaa talt om
rekommanderede Telegrammer, og De har, tror jeg,
klaget over, at 5 Lstr. er Maximum af den Sum, for
hvilken der kan gives Erstatning. Hvilken Sik
kerhed eller hvilket Løfte har De for, at man
af Regjeringen kan faa endog blot 5 Lstr. Er
statning for et feilsendt Telegram? — Jeg
*) Klausul 14 i den antagne Telegraliov.
**) Hr. Hope Scott og Hr. Denison — Advokater for Te
legrafkompagnierne og nogle Jernhanekompagnier
mod Billen.
f) Hr. G. Harrison, Kjobmand i Edinburgh og Præsident
for Edinburgh Handelskammer.
XIX. Bil. ]

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