- Project Runeberg -  Den norsk-skotske Kabel : en Fremstilling af Kabelsagens Historie /

(1869) [MARC] Author: Joachim Ebbell With: Ole Jacob Broch - Tema: Telecom
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for several years prior to the establishment of the
post office savings banks increased at a very low
rate, in fact it had remained nearly stationary ;
but in the six years which followecl the establish
ment of the post office savings banks. the ivhole
number of depositors in the old savings banks and
those in the post office savings banks together in
creased at an average. annv.al rate of 6 1l,i per cent.
1764. To convey that to the minds of the
Committee in another way, is it the fact that,
before the introduction of the post office savings
banks, there was only one savings bank depo
sitor to every 18 persons of the population,
whereas now we have throughout the kingdom,
taking the post office banks and the old banks
together, one depositor to every 14 persons of
the population? — It is so; and in order that 1
may show that it is strictly the post office savings
banks which have caused this addition to the num
ber of depositors, 1 may mention that the number
of depositors in the old savings banks has been
constantly going dotvn as ours has gone up; but
the two sets of banks together have increased at
the rate of 6V2 per cent. per annum in six years,
as compared ivith an increase of 1 per cent. in
several years before.
1765. Is it the fact that your rate of in
terest is lower than that given under the old
savings banks? — We only pay 2l/2 per cent.,
and the old savings banks paid 2 l. 18 s. 4 d.
per cent. on the average.
1766. Can you attribute that increase to
any cause at all except to the increased facility
and accommodation afforded by the post office
savings banks? — The increase is attributable to
the fact that we brought banks dose to the homes
of the people, and kept them open at hours ex
tremely convenient to them.
1792. Do you attribute the success of the
money order system and the savings bank sy
stem to the facilities which have been extended
by you from time to time? — . 1 attribute the
success of those instiiutions entirely to the fact
that we give facilities for the receipt and trans
mission and the deposit and ivithdrawal of money
Aar før Oprettelsen af Postvæsenets Sparebankar
tiltaget i et meget lavt Forhold; i Virkeligheden
var det næsten forblevet stationcért; men i de sex
Åar, som fulgte paa Oprettelsen af Postvæsenets
Sparebankar, tiltog det hele Antol af Indskydere i
de gamle Sparebanker og i Postvæsenets Spareban
ker tilsammen i et gjennemsnitligt aarligt Forhold
af £V2 Procent.
1764. For at gjøre Komitéen dette indly
sende paa en anden Maade, — er det Tilfældet,
at før Indførelsen af Postvæsenets Sparebanker
var der alene en Sparebankindskyder for hver
18 Personer af Befolkningen, hvorimod vi nu
rundt i Riget, naar vi tage Postvæsenets Banker
og de gamle Banker sammen, have en Indskyder
for hver 14 Personer af Befolkningen? — Det er
saaledes; og for dt vise, at det netop er Postvæ
senets Sparebanker, der have foraarsaget Forø
gelsen i Anfallet af Indskydere, kan jeg anføre,
at Antallet af Indskydere i de gamle Sparebanker
stadigt har aftaget eftersom vori er gaaet op; men
de to Sæt Banker tilsammen have tiltaget i et
Forhold af 6V8 Procent p. a. i de sex Aar, sam
menlignet med en Forøgelse af 1 Procent i fiere
Aar i Forveien.
1765. Er det et Faktum, at Deres Rente
fod er lavere end den, der betaltes i de gamle
Sparebanker? — Vi betale blot P’/2 Procent, og
de gamle Sparebanker betalte 2 Lsir. 18 s. 4 d.
Procent i Gjennemsnit.
1766. Kan De tilskrive denne Tilvæxt no
gensorahelst anden Aarsag end den forøgede Let
hed og Bekvemmelighed, der ydes af Postvæse
nets Sparebanker? — Tilvæxten er at tilskrive det
Faktum, at vi bragte Banker lige til Folks Bjem
og holdt dem aabne paa overordentligt bekvemme
Tider for dem.
1792. Tilskriver De Pengeanvisningssyste
mets og Sparebanksystemets heldige Fremgang
de Lettelser, som fra Tid til anden ere blevne
udstrakte videre af Dem? — Jeg tilskriver disse
Indretningers heldige Fremgang helt og holdcnt
til det Faktum, at vi give Lettelser i Modtagelsen
og Oversendelsen, i Indsættelsen og Udtagelsen af
162 [ Bil. XIX.

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