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(1869) [MARC] Author: Joachim Ebbell With: Ole Jacob Broch - Tema: Telecom
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conduct the telegraphic communication of the
country with greater, or so great facility, as the
Post Office now can do it, if the matter is en
trusted to their care? — No one can have such
facilities for such a work as the Post Qffice pos
sess; it hardly requires any demonstraiion. — —
Frank Ives Scudamore, Esq.,
cross-examined hy
1923. Mr. Yernon Harcourt. On the
6th of July, I see my learned friend, Mr. Rod
well, put it to you, that the whole question of
the Submarine Company, and Mr. ReuteFs Com
pany, and the other companies, were always
connected together, so that they must be all
settled together. Mr, Rodwell says: „They are
all connected with one another, are they not?"
and then you say: „No, they are rather con
flicting one with the other." Then Mr. Rodwell
says: „I raean they all want consideration to
gether?" and you say: „Yes"; and then Mr.
Rodwell, not to be defeated, says: *The consi
deration of them is connected?" and you reply:
„Yes.“ Have you considered those questions as
bearing one upon another? — I have.
1924. That is to say, as you admitted very
candidly the other day, you, representing both
the inland companies, could not fulfil the obli
gations with reference to the submarine compa
nios, which, as you say, are conflicting? — I
did not say that it loas impossille. I certainly ad
mittedpthat it would le difficult.
1925. We will take it, then, to be difficult
to fulfil the conflicting obligations; you will go
as far as that? — That is to say, that in our
present state of conflicting obligations, one might
olstruct the other.
1926. For the Post Office it is not im
possible, but only difficult to carry out conflict
ing obligations. I should like to know exactly
your scheme of getting over the difficulty of
carrying out conflicting obligations? — The de
sire of the Postmaster General is to dothis: when
he has purchased the property of the Electric and
International Company, and has therehy derived
dets Telegrafkommunikation med større eller saa
stor Lethed, som Postvæsenet nu kan gjøre det,
hvis Sagen betroes til dets Omsorg? — Ingen
kan have saa let for en saadan Drift, som Post
væsenet ; det tiltrænger neppe noget Bevis. — —
Hr. Frank Ives Scudamore,
krydsexamineret af
1923. Hr. Yernon Harcourt. Jeg ser,
at min lærde Yen, Hr. Rodwell, den 6te Juli
forelagde JDem, om ikke det hele Spørgsmaal om
Submarine Co. og om Hr. ReuteFs Co. og om de
andre Kompagnier altid vare sammenknyttede,
saa at der maatte træffes Ordning med dem alle i
Foreniug. Hr. Rodwell siger; „De staa alle
i Forbindelse med hverandre?" Og dertil svarer
De: „Nei, de staa snarere i Strid med hveran
dre." Da siger Hr. Rodwell: „Jeg mener, at de
alle maa tages under Overveielse sammen?" og
De svarer: „Ja.“ Og derpaa siger Hr. Rodwell,
for ikke at blive slaaet af Marken; „Overveielsen
af dem hænger sammen", hvorpaa De svarer „Ja."
Har De overveiet disse Spørgsmaal sammen
hængende, det ene med det andet? — Ja, jeg har.
1924. Det vil sige, saaledes som De meget
oprigtigt indrømmede forleden Dag, — De, der
repræsenterer begge ludlandskompagnier, kunde
ikke opfylde Forpligtelserne med Hensyn til de
submarine Kompagnier, der, som De siger, ere i
Strid? — Jeg sagde ikke, at det var umuligt; men
jeg indrømmede, at det vistnok vilde være van
1925. Vi ville da antage, at det ervanske
ligt at opfylde de stridende Forpligtelser; saa
langt vil De da gaa? — Det vil sige, at under
vor nærværende Tilstand af stridende Forpligtel
ser kunde den ene være til Hinder for den anden•
1926. For Postvæsenet er det ikke umu
ligt, men kun vanskeligt at opfylde stridende
Forpligtelser? Jeg skulde ønske nøiagtigt at
kjende Deres Plan for Overvindelse af Yanske
ligheden ved Opfyldelsen af stridende Forplig
telser? — Generalpostmesterens Ønske er at gjøre
Følgende: Naar han har kjølt Electric and In
ternational Co.’s Eiendom og derved paataget sig
164 [Bil. XIX

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