- Project Runeberg -  Den norsk-skotske Kabel : en Fremstilling af Kabelsagens Historie /

(1869) [MARC] Author: Joachim Ebbell With: Ole Jacob Broch - Tema: Telecom
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of receipts? — That is not a question which 1
am able to answer.
2004. That you have not considered?
Mr. Reuter has told me that it is very valuable,
and I am quite prepared to take his loose state
ments, but 1 have no knowledge upon the subject
2005. Are you not aware that ReuteFs
cahle, the ordinary cable under a concession
fioni the Prussian Government, has a very ad
vantageous tariff compared with the other Con
tinental lines? — That also he has informed me,
but what the exact effect of it is Iam not pre
pared to say.
20061 And that being a perpetual conces
sion? — A perpetual concession in one sense, but
a concession of 30 years in another; 1 understand
that it is an exclusive concession for 30 years,
and a concession ivith liability to competition after
that time.
20OT. Mr. Reuter, at all events, has ab
solutely the right of laying a cable to England,
and an exclusive right for 30 years? — So 1
2008. From the Prussian, or what used
to be the Hanoverian Government ? — Yes, so
1 believe.
2009. And the new line to India will be
in communication with that wire? — So I judge
by the agreement between Mr. Reuter and the
Electric Company and Messrs. Seimens.
2010. That will be the best route, will it
not, for telegraphic communication with India?
— That 1 am unable to say, 1 will take it from
you that it is so.
2011. Take it from Sir Stafford Northcote*},
that will be better, will it not? — 1 am quite
content to take it from you.
2012. That being so, assuming you and
your submarine friends to have the other sub
marine wires, what situation should we be iu
if we were not sold to you? — Undoubtedly
we must indemnify you ; ihere is no question
of that.
2013. That is to say, of course you would
*) Rt. Hon. Sir Stafford Northcote, M. P. for North De
vonshire, Secretary of State for India in the Disraeii
hvad angaar Indtægter? — Dette erikJce et Spørgs
maal, som jeg er istand til at besvare.
2004. Har De ikke tænkt over dette? ~
Hr. Reuter har sagt m,ig, at den er meget vcerdi
fuld, og jeg er ganske forberedt paa at tage hans
løse Overslag for godt, men jeg har seiv intet
Kjendskab til Sagen.
2005. Yed De ikke at ReuteFs Kabel, som
han driver med en Koncession af den preussiske
Regjering, har en meget fordelagtig Tarif sam
menlignet med de andre kontinentale Linier? —
Det har han ogsaa sagt mig; men hvad der
nøiagtigt bringes ud af den, er jeg ikke forberedt
paa at sige.
2006. Og det er en Koncession for bestau
digt? — En Koncession for bestandigt i en For
stand, men en Koncession paa 30 Aar i en an
den; jeg opfatter det som en exklusiv Koncession
paa 30 Aar, og en Koncession udsat for Konkur
rence efter den Tid.
2007. Hr. Reuter har i ethvert Fald ube
tinget Ret til at lægge en Kabel til England, og
en exklusiv Ret for 30 Aar? — Saaledes tror
jeg det er.
2008. Med Bevilling af den preussiske el
ler før den hannoveranske Regjering? — Ja, jeg
tror det.
2009. Og den nye Linie til Ostindien skal
staa i Forbindelse med denne Traad? — Det
slutter jeg af Overenskomsten mellem Hr. Reuter
og Electric Co. samt DTIrr. Seimens,
2010. Dette vil blive den bedste Route —
ikke sandt — for telegrafisk Forbindelse med
Ostindien? — Det er jeg ikke istand til at sige;
jeg vil tage Deres Ord for, at det er saa.
2011. Tag Sir Stafford Northcotes*} Ord
for det; det vil være bedre, ikke sandt? — Jeg
er fuldkommen tilfreds med at tage Deres for dei.
2012. Idet det nu er saa, og vi forudsætte,
at De og Deres submarine Venner have de an
dre submarine Traade, i hvilken Stilling skulde
da vi komme, naar vi ikke solgtes til Dera? —
Upaatvivleligt rnaatte vi skadesløsholde Dem; der
er intet Spørgsmaal derom.
2013. Det vil sige, De vikle naturligvis ikke
*) Rt. Hon. Sir Stafford Northcote, Parliamentsmedlem
for North Devonshire, Minister for Indien i Disraeiis
XIX. Bil

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