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(1869) [MARC] Author: Joachim Ebbell With: Ole Jacob Broch - Tema: Telecom
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Full resolution (JPEG) - On this page / på denna sida - Bilag - XX. Uddrag af Forhandlinger i det engelske Parliament om Telegrafbillen. Tirsdagen den 21de Juli 1868. (Efter Times af 22de Juli 1868)

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malous one. It was the misfortune and not the
fault of the right hon. gentleman that the
House was called upon to give something in
the nature of an assent to a presumptive bar
gain made by the Government, and which had
received the Parliamentary sanction of a com
mittee at a time when it was impossible for the
House to complete the operation hy passing ano
ther Bill—first, because they did not know the
facts, and, secoud, because the right hon. gent
leman would not under the circumstances enter
upon such a financial operation. That would be
a matter of comparative insignificance if the que
stion were to he considered by the same body
next year; but, as it would not be, it was desi
rable to understand clearly the positiou in which
the new Parliament would be placed; and this
Parliament’had no right to put the members of
the new Parliament in the position of håving it
said to them, „You are not free; you are bound
by the assent of those who have gone before
you.“ The new Parliament would not, could not,
and ought not to admit that it was bound. It
must have not only a legal but a moral freedom
of choice. No doubt it would give due respect to
the authority of the Government, of the Depart
ment, and of any vote of the House, but these
would be elements of the case for its final deci
sion. It was of the greatest importance it should
be thoroughly understood that this Parliament
was not attempting to fasten on the new Parlia
ment an obligation that would be ultra vires, and
it was desirable that this should be placed on
record by the unequivocal declarations of mem
bers of Parliament. Feeling great difficulty about
the terms proposed to be given to the companies
by the Bill, and being convinced that discretion
and good sense would govern the proceedings of
the shareholders, and that they would not attempt
to drive matters to extremities, he could not be
satisfied without placing on record an expression
of opinion that we should have acted more cir
cumpectly and safely if we had adhered to the
ordinary method of arbitration, and therefore he
was glad the hon. member for Pontefract (Mr.
Childers) intended raising that qnestion on the
lignede dets Bifald til et presumptivt af Regje
ringen sluttet Kjøb, som havde faaet parliamen
tarisk Sanktion af en Komité paa en Tid, da det
var umuligt for Huset at fuldstændiggjøre Opera
tionen ved at antage en anden Bill — først, fordi
det ikke kjendte Fakta, og for det andet, fordi den
høistærede Herre ikke under disse Omstændigheder
vikle indgaa paa en saadan Finantsoperation.
Dette vikle være en Sag af forholdsvis Ubetyde
lighed, dersom Spørgsmaalet skulde overveies af
den samme Forsamling næste Aar; men da dette
ikke vikle blive Tilfælde, var det ønskeligt at
forstaa klart den Stilling, hvoridet nye Parliament
vikle blive sat; og dette Parliament havde ingen
Ret til at sætte Medlemmerne af det nye Parlia
ment i den Stilling, at der kunde siges til dem:
„I ere ikke frie; I ere bundne ved Eders For
gjængeres Samtykke.41 Det nye Parliament vilde
ikke, kunde ikke, burde ikke indrømme, at det
var bundel Det maatte have ikke alene en legal,
men en moralsk Frihed i Yalget. Upaatvivleligt
vilde det vise Regjeringens og Departementets
Autoritet, samt Husets Afstemning, hvordan den
blev, tilbørlig Agtelse; men dette vilde blot blive
Momenter i Sagens endelige Afgjørelse. Det var
af den største Vigtighed, at det blev tydeligt for
staaet, at dette Parliament ikke vikle forsøge paa
at paabinde det nye Parliament en Forpligtelse
som vikle strække sig udover dets Kompetence,
og det var ønskeligt, at dette blev slaaet fast ved
utvetydige Erklæringer af Parliamentsmedlemmer.
Da han i høi Grad følte Vanskeligheden ved de
Yilkaar, som man i Billen havde foreslaaet at
give Kompagnierne, og da han var overbevist om,
at Besindighed og Rimelighed vikle lede Aktie
havernes Fremgangsmaade, og at de ikke vilde
gjøre Forsøg paa at sætteSagen paa Spidsen, kunde
han ikke finde sig tilfreds uden at faa den Meniugs
yttring udtalt og konstateret, at vi skulde have
handlet raere forsigtigt og trygt, dersom vi havde
holdt os til den almindelige Fremgangsmaade med
Voldgift, og derfor glædede det ham, atdetærede
Medlem for Pontefract (Hr. Childers) agtedeat bringe
dette Spørgsmaal paa Bane ved den 4de Klausul.
Den høistærede Herre vilde se, at der var al Til
bøielighed til at understøtte Klogskaben af denne
XX. Bil.]

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