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hvar, I. pron. (adj.) eacll [särsk. SS. själfständigt];
every, jfr hvarje; (Ss. subst.) dets. som enhvar [se
d. o.] o. ~ och en; se äfv.: en och one and
all, each and all, all and each (every, sundry);
~ annan, se hvarannan; ~ enda, se
hvarenda; dag, every day; det är nog, att ~
dag har sin plåga, bibi. sufficient unto the
day is the evil thereof; han lefver som ~
dag vore den sista, he never gives a thought
to the morrow, he lives from hand to mouth;
~ tredje [fjärde etc.], every third [fourth
etc.] [day, man etc.]; äfv. [om tidsdeiar] every
three [four etc.] [days, months, years, hours
etc.]; ~ åttonde dag, every week, once a week;
~ fjortonde dag, every fortnight, once a
fortnight; de gå ~ till sitt, each [of them]
goes home, they go each to his house (home),
they are off to their respective homes; han
gaf gossarne en Icrona he gave the boys
a crown each (each [of the] boy[s] a crown);
litet o,, each one, jfr en och ; de äga ~ sin
stuga, each [of them] has his [separate nämi.
om motsatsen vore det väntade förhållandet] Cottage,
they have a cottage each; göra ngt sin gång,
turn [and turn] about, by (in) turns,
alternately; de sutto på ~ sin sida af bordet,
they were seated on either side of the table;
de gå åt ~ sitt håll, they go their several
ways, each [of them] goes his way; ~ för
sig, each by himself (on his own account);
[ss. adverbieiit tillägg] separately, individually,
severally; äfv. respectively; ~ och en, a) (adj.)
each, every, jfr hvarje; b) (subst.) every man
(person), everybody, everyone, each one;
each [of them, of the boys etc., jfr ex. ofvan];
~ och en har sina fel, all of us have our
faults, each of us has his faults; ~ och en
har sin käpphäst, everyone has his hobby;
~ och en behåller Sin mening [sagdt af den ene
af två tvistande], we each keep (retain) our
opinion; [man bör gifva] ~ och en sitt ordst.,
every man his due; jag lämnar det åt
och ens omdöme (godtßnnande), I leave it to
every man’s discretion; äfv. I leave it to each
of you to judge; det är i ~[s] mans mun, it
is on everyone’s tongue (lips), it is the talk
of (F it is all over) the town. II. adv. where;

äfv. (: ~ än) dets. som: ~ helst, se sms.: ~ SOm
heist, anywhere; där (här) och se här [och
där]-, ~ någonstädes? whereabout[s] r
ali världen har du varit? wherever (where
in the wide world) have you been? III. konj.
t>» om icke, if not, otherwise, [or] else, -af,
adv. whence [it follows that ...]; i aiim. dets.
som af hvad [frågande el. relat.] el. af hvilken
[relät.], alltså fl’ODl (el. [out] of el. by, jfr af)
what (which), [obs.! Dylik anm. gällerom
alia med hvar- sms. adv.]; ~ kommer det [sfø]
att ... f why (how) is it that ... ? ~ vet du

detf how cail (do) you. (did you get to) know

that ? ... han insåg att, äfv. and so he knew

that ... -andra, pron. each other [oftast om två,
men äfv. om Hera], one another; hjälpa help
each other (one another); komplimentera
äfv. interchange compliments; efter one
[subst.] after another (the other), jfr ex. under
efter; under tio dagar efter during (for)
ten successive (consecutive) days, for ten
days successively (F running, at a stretch);
efter hvartannat, successively; tätt efter
(på) ~ (hvartannat), in rapid succession;
de ha ingenting med ~ att göra (skaffa), äfv.
they have nothing in common; om ~
(hvartannat), promiscuously, indiscriminately; se
vid. huller [om buller]; jfr blanda, ex. -annan,
I. adj. every other (second); every two
[days]; afv. [every] alternate, jfr ex.; läsa ~
rad, read alternate lines; [på] ~ dag, every
other day, äfv. on alternate days; ~ vecka,
every (once a) fortnight. II. subst, se -andra.

hvardag, week-day; jfr äfv. arbetsdag; om (på)
»»arna, on week-days, of a week-day; till
o>s, dets.; äfv. [bruka] for every-day use (el.
wear), -lig, adj. every-day [t. ex. face;
occurrence, event; facts; employments; jfr vid.
ued., sms.]; äfv. daily [t. ex. occupations, work],
jfr daglig; biidi. (banal, tarflig) commonplace,
trivial, -lighet, triviality; [~ew] äfv.
commonplace; commonplaces, -s, i sms. jfr -lig.
-sjafton, week-day evening, -s|bruk,
everyday use (om kläder wear), -s|dräkt, every-day
suit (om män) (el. dl’eSS om fruntimmer; frock om
flickor), -s|frossa, quotidian [ague], -s|gäst, se
[daglig] gäst (ei. kund), -s[historia, [a] story
out of every-day life, afv. every-day tale,
-s|kläder, every-day clothes, -s]lag; i in
every-day life; ofta usually; se vid. [till] [-hvar-dag[s].-] {+hvar-
dag[s].+} -s||if, every-day (common) life; en
bild ur »»vet, an every-day scene, -s|mat,
every-day fare (food), daily (homely) fare,
-s|middag, äfv. family dinner; kom och ät en
[tarflig] ~ hos oss i morgon, come and take
pot-luck with us to-morrow, -s|människa,
every-day [sort of] person, commonplace
person, -s|rum, sitting(living)-room. -s|språk,
colloquial language; jfr daglig[t tal],
-s|ut-tryck, colloquial phrase (expression),
colloquialism; commonplace expression;
household word.

hvar||dera, pron. each; äfv. severally, jfr hvar
[för sig]. -efter, adv. after (ei. b}’, ei. from,
ei. according to, jfr efter) which; tid särsk. äfv.
whereupon, -emot, adv. against which; utbyta
in return [for which], jfr däremot, 2; i förb.
tin hvilket compared with (to) which; motsats
[jfr däremot, 3] while, whereas, -enda, pron.
(adj.) every; ~ en, every (each) [single] one,
jfr hvar [och en] (subst.) o. [hvar] evig[a en].
-est, adv. where.

hvarf, -vet, -, 1. [om]gång turn, round; af
rundgående kropp revolution ; sport. (omkring banan) lap 5

det gick bara ett ~ [omkring], it only went

v ]äst title-word. 0 no pl. - alike in sing, and pl. † vowel-change in pl. F colloquial, (jf) nearest equivalent.

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