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rough usage; (elak) om pers. förh. äfv. harsh
treatment, -född, p. a. inborn; om audi. egensk.
innate; native, natural; iak. congenital
[deformity, disease]; det synes vara [honom]
-födt (om ngn talang o. d.), it seems to come
natural to him, jfr äf v. född [därtill] o. blod, ex.
-följa, [in]tr. accompany &£, jfr följa [med]
(början), [vara] med samt [om sakl följa, II
(början) äfvensom följd, 2, ex.; -följer N:s post (i
bref-adress), care of (vani. förk.: c/o) Mr 1ST.; -följande,
accompanying Äf; i postförsandning o. d. enclosed,
annexed; se harmonimusik, ex. -föra, tr. 1.
bring (ei. carry ei. take, äfv. have) [med personi.
subj. with o.] ; om fartyg bring [over], have on
board; tåget -förde .., äfv. lika med det var .. på
tåget; tåget -för matsalsvagn, there is a
dining-car in the train; ångbåten -förde bland
annat .., there was [a Chinaman] among the
[ship’s] passengers [on the ..]; part of the
cargo carried by the vessel was [dynamite];
det -förda förrådet, the stock (supply) we
(etc.) had [brought] with us (etc.). 2. biidi. (ss.
foijd) entail, involve; be followed by, be
attended with [jfr afv. följd, ex.]; cause,
occasion, bring [on], jfr föranleda o. 3. lycka, 2,
ex.; äfv. [such conduct will] bring [misery]
in its train; starkare (: med säkerhet,
oundvikligen ensure, afv. necessitate; .. som ..
kunde [that might be] involved in ..;
olägenheter som [bruket af . .1 för,
inconveniences attendant upon [the use of gas]; denna
sjukdom -för ofta döden, this disease often
brings on (ends with) death, -förmyndare,

medgif||ningsvis, adv. as (by way of) a
concession. -va, tr. allow, own, jfr erkänna, tillstå;
i dispyt concede ; allm. (tillåta) (iifv. om sak) admit
[of] ; (bevilja) grant; jfr afv. samtycka; -ves (jag
-ver) att ... I admit that ..; -ves! granted!
admitted [but ..]; det får du väl ~ {medge),
you must confess (will grant me) [that]; man
hade -vit honom att få stanna kvar, he had
been suffered to remain there; tidén, utrymmet
-ver ej, .. does not allow (admit) of [..
penetrating further into ..]; jfr äfv. dyl. ex. under
tillåta-, denna regel -ver intet undantag, this
rule does not admit of exception (is not
subject to exceptions), -vande, 1. admission,
confession; efter (enligt, på grund af) hans
eget on his own avowal, as he himself has
admitted (acknowledged). 2. acquiescence,
assent, consent, jfr vid. tillåtelse, samtycke;
särsk. skriftligt acceptance; tyst implied
consent, tacit assent; brottsligt connivance;
på grund af ..., afv. on sufferance,
med||gång, prosperity, good fortune; success,
jfr framgång; hafva (röna) prosper, be
prosperous (fortunate, successful), jfr lycka,
flera ex. o. lyckas; i med- och motgång, in good
fortune and bad, in prosperity as in
adversity; han var ... lika, he was the same under

all the vicissitudes of fortune, afv. he bore

the ups and downs of life with equanimity,
•görlig, adj. accommodating, manageable,
amenable, jfr vid. eftergifven. -görlighet,
man-ageableness &£. -hafva, have (bring) with o.,
bring; jfr -föra, 1; se likvid, ex. -hinna, tr.
be able to do (perform, finish) [a th.] [in time
(within the allowed space of time)]; se vid.
hinna [med]-, det kan inte ^s på så kort tid, it
can’t be done (got (put) through) in so short
a [space of] time, -hjälpare, cooperator, ibi.
helpmate; co-adjutor, jfr medarbetare; i en
öfverordnads mun supporter, assistant,
-hjälpa-rinna, -hjälperska, assistant, jfr föreg.;
helpmate [a h. for the man bibi.], -håll, bifall,
samtycke approval; understöd countenance,
support; partiskt gynnande undue faVOUr[ing], jfr ex.;
finna (få ei. hafva) a) i, om mening be
approved, jfr följ. ex.; 6) (stöd, gynnande) be
countenanced (supported, F backed) [by]; hans
åsikt vann ~ hos många, many agreed with
him. sarsk. å en sammankomst his view
commended itself to (el. [med instämmande] Was
echoed by) many [present]; han får alltid
~ af modern, he always has his mother with
him (on his side), -hållare, countenancer,
supporter, seconder; follower, jfr anhängare.

mediceisk, adj. Medicean; ^a Venus, [the]
Yenus dei Medici.

medicin, -en, 0, aiim. medicine; läkemedel physic;
[in]taga se -era; jag tager (nyttjar) det
som I take it medicinally; studera
study medicine, -al|lagfarenhet, medical
jurisprudence, forensic medicine, -aljråd, jfr föij.;
ibi. medical (ei. sanitary) inspector,
-aljsty-relse, [board of] directors of the medical
department, -aljtaxa, chemists’ official
price-list; jfr farmakopé. -aljvikt, apothecaries’
weight, -al|växt, medicinal (officinal) plant,
-are F, [a] medical, -e, of medicine; ~
doktor, Doctor of Medicine (M.D.); ~ kandidat,
(n) medical student of two years’ standing,
jfr ned.; ~ licenciat, Bachelor of Medicine
(M. B.). -ejkandidatexamen, Intermediate
Examination in Medicine, -era, intr. take physic
(medicine), -sk, adj. medical; medicinal
[properties]; ^a fakulteten, the Faculty of

medikllament, -et, -(er), medicine, drug; ~er,
physic, doctor’s stuff F. -amentsjflaska,
medicine bottle, phial, -aments|förråd, stock of
medicines, medical stock (ei. stores),
-a-mentslåda, medicine-chest,
-o-filosofie-kandi-dat-examen, ® Preliminary Scientific
Examination. -ojlegal, adj. medico-legal; ~
besiktning, äfv. (af iik) post-mortem examination,
Engi. @ coroner’s inspection.

med|intressent, associate, co-partne:r; jfr vid.

medil|o; i ~ af, in the middle of [June, next
week], -um, mediet, medier, aiim. medium (pl.

~ lika. med fBreg. uppslagsord. O saknar plur. •.–■■ pl. och sing. lika. "j" har omljud. F familjart. (n) närmast motsvarande.

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