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cutredd, adj. not unravelled (cleared up);
undiscussed, uncanvassed; undecided, open

outrotlig, adj. ineradicable, inextirpable; in-

exterminable [evils],
outslagen, adj. unopened [flower], [.. are] not
out [yet].

outslitlig, adj. [a coat] that will not wear out
(will stand any amount of wear); arv. tough,
outsläcklig, se osläcklig.
outspädd, adj. undiluted äfv. biiai.
outsäglig, adj. unspeakable, unutterable,
inexpressible; ineffable [joy],
outtröttlig, adj. indefatigable, inexhaustible,
unwearied; afv. unwearying, untiring; om sak
afv. unremitting, unflagging [zeal],
outtömlig, adj. inexhaustible, exhaustless
[resources; riches]; om abstr. äfv. jfr föreg. ord.
outvecklad, adj. undeveloped afv. Midi, personi.;
infant [movement]; ibi. unworked out [theory];
embryo, embryonic [state],
ovalbar, adj. ineligible for election,
ovan, adj. 1. unaccustomed, unhabituated [to],
unfamiliar [with]; (predikatet) afv, unwonted,
unused [vid, to]; absoi. not used to it;
inexperienced, jfr afv. oöfvad; tillfälligt out of
practice, jfr ligga [af sig] ; (särsk. : ej härdad, ej van
vid klimatet) unseasoned [troops], ibi. new. 2. se
•lig. -a, -an, 1. {pl. 0) unwontedness; ofta
want of practice, äfv. [the] novelty [of the
thing]. 2. (pl. -oj’) se olat. -lig, adj. unusual,
unwonted; exceptional, rare [cases];
utomordentlig extraordinary, remarkable, singular,
strange, odd; [a thing quite] out of the
common; en ~ människa, äfv. an unordinary
person. jfr vid. like, flera (negat.) ex.; den n»a
rytmen, äfv. the novelty of the cadence; med
en [för honom] ~ flinkhet, with an
unwonted alacrity [he ..]. -lighet, unusualness;
singularity, strangeness; för r^ens skull, for
novelty’s sake; for a change, for once [in a
way F]. -ligt, adv. unusually, exceptionally;
afv.(F) uncommonly [good], rare [nice fellow],
ovansklig, adj. everlasting; incorruptible;
imperishable, unfading; [glory] that passeth
not away.

ovaraktig, adj. not durable (lasting); om abstr.
fugitive, transitory, jfr vid. kortvarig, -het,
ibi. unlastingness, impermanence;
transient-ness, jfr kortvarighet.
ovarsam, adj. aiim. careless; jfr vid. oförsiktig,


Ovederhäftig, adj. irresponsible; en ^
pratmakare, an idle (random) gossip,
ovederlägglig, adj. irrefutable; jfr roij.
ovedersäglig, adj. incontrovertible, jfr vid.

overklig, adj. unreal; non-existent; shadowy;

diktad fictitious.
Overksam, adj. 1. inactive, inert arv. om sak; äfv.
passive; idle [life], jfr lat, loj; flottan låg ~

i .., the fleet was lying idle at (el. in)
förblifva {förhålla sig) likgiltigt take no
action, jfr neutral, ex.; afv. let things be (slide),
lie low. 2. utan verkan inefficacious, inefficient;
inoperative [remedy]; intet skott förblef ^t,
every shot told; göra afv. neutralize,
jfr förlama, -het, inactivity; idleness;

ovetande, pred. adj. {adv.); honom [all]

unknown to him, without his knowledge
[they had ..]; han gjorde det [all]
unknow-ingly, äfv. unwittingly, unawares,
ovett, abuse, contumely; invectives; foul
language; öfverhopa {öfverösa) .. med ***,
heap (shower) abuse upon [a p.], fall foul of,
jfr vid. skälla på; få se bannor, ex. -ig, adj.
abusive; bli [he began to] get insulting;
vara på, se föreg., ex.
ovig, adj. (afv. om sak) heavy, lumbering, clumsy,

unwieldy; afv. stiff,
oviktig, adj. unimportant, immaterial;
insignificant, jfr vid. obetydlig; afv. of [very] secondary
importance, -het, unimportance,
insignificance; äfv. [the] insignificant (trivial)
character [of the affair],
ovilja, [to his] disgust; aversion [to]; personi.
disaffection; indignation, ill-feeling, jfr groll;
äfv. spite, odium, animosity [to], jfr hat.
Ovillig, adj. unwilling, reluctant; averse [to].

-t, adv. se motvilligt.
ovillkorlig, adj. unconditional; positive [duty,
right]; absolute (peremptory) [necessity],
-en, -t, adv. absolutely, positively, jfr vid.
nödvändigt; äfv. [he would] inevitably [have
been ..]; jag vill ~ veta, I am determined
to know; han ville ~ inf., he insisted on

Ovis, adj.unwise; foolish [virgins bibi.]; jfr oklok.

-het, unwisdom,
oviss, adj. aiim. uncertain [as to ..], dubious,
doubtful [about; of; whether]; om sak
problematical; jfr äfv. [the result was never] in
doubt; obestämd undecided, vague; tin betyd. äfv.
ambiguous; tin säkerhet precarious, jfr osäker;
han gjorde så <^t af hvad orsak, for some
unknown reason, -het, uncertainty, dubiety;
ambiguity; känsla [keep a p., be in] suspense,
doubt; det radde någon ~ om .., there was
some uncertainty (doubt) [felt] as to [subst,
t. ex. his veracity; whether he was .. or no],
ovård Had, adj. untended, neglected; negligent
[way of ..], careless [speech]; om utseende
untidy, jfr ostädad, -ig, adj. careless; slovenly;
untidy [in dress], -sam, adj. uncareful, jfr


ovädller, storm äfv. Midi.; vi få we are in for
a storm, jfr draga [ihop sig] ex.; när -ret gått
öfver Midi., after the storm [has blown over],
-ers|centrum, centre of [atmospheric]
depression. -ers|moln, Storm-cloud särsk. biiai.

-ers|natt, stormy night.

’v» last title-word. 0 no pl. - alike in sing, and pl. † vowel-change in pl. F colloquial, (n) nearest equivalent.

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