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svara o. tala för; särsk. inför rätta appear for
(on behalf of); n för ngn, Mr. take a p.’s
part. -ande, I. p. a.; de those appearing
(performing), the performers. II. -1, 0, [-ap-pearance[s];-] {+ap-
pearance[s];+} hållning [bildl., ibi. äfv. kroppsl., jfr
d. o. början], beteende demeanour, deportment,
[in the whole of his] behaviour, conduct;
(bandiande) action [jfr under samfäld~], [an [-impudent]-] {+im-
pudent]+} manner of proceeding; äfv.
performance [in public, as a speaker]; ett fast n,
[by] firm action, afv. a display of firmness;
[ett] fräckt n, afv. impudence, effrontery, -e,
-1, -n, 1. appearance. 2. [make (: staiia tin) a]
scene; bullersamt n [a] row, disturbance,
shindy (F). 3. ibi. (teat.) dets. som akt.
upptröttna, intr. get wearied (tired) [out],
upptukt||a, tr. se tukta, -else, disciplining,
correction ; taga i n, take .. to task, read .. a
lecture, talk severely to ..
upptvätta, tr. 1. tvätta wash, get .. washed. 2.

ngt spiiidt clean (dry, wipe) up.
upptåg, 1. eg. (mera säiian) marching up,
procession; festligt pageant. 2. puts prank; (lustigt
n) frolic, lark; nyck freak; hvad har du för
n för dig ? what joke (game) are you up to?
-a, se uppmarschera, -s|makare, practical
joker, wag.

upptäek||a, tr. aiim. discover; ngt hemligt afv.
detect Ean imposture, a thief], find out ; ibi. (jfr
urskilja, o. d.) discern, descry [i denna bet. jfr
äfv.: there was (were) no .. to be found (seen,
traced) : man kunde icke ~ ngt (någon) ..]; ibi. jfr
yppa (röja); då -tes det att.., afv. it then
turned out that ..; undgå att bli -1, escape
detection. -ande, discovering &£■; afv. detection;
jfr vid. -t. -are, discoverer, finder; afv.detector,
upptäckt, -en, -er, discovery; yppande afv.
revelation. -sjresa, voyage (ei. ibi. journey) of
discovery ; exploring expedition (tour), (afv. :
-s-resor) exploration, -s|resande, [Stanley, the]
explorer; discoverer,
upptända, tr. eg. (-. tända) light, set .. alight;
kindle is. biidi., afv. fire; Midi. afv. inflame,
excite; upptänd af raseri, fired with rage,
enraged; han blef ..., afv. he flew into a rage
(passion), his wrath was kindled,
upptänk||a, tr. devise, jfr vid. uttänka, -lig, adj.

devisable, se vid. [ut]tänkbar.
upputsa, tr. se putsa upp samt uppfiffa.
uppvaknlla, intr. wake up, awake [from (out of)
sleep], awaken [from torpor], -ande, [särsk. a
national] awakening; Midi. (^ ur en villa,
inbillning) disenchantment, disillusion[ment].
uppvakt||a, tr. om tjänstgörande, vid hofvet o. d.
attend; (: göra -ning [jfr d. o.] för) Wait Upon .. [to
pay .. o.’s respects], [go to] call upon; ..kåren
nde sin nye chef, afv. offered .. their duty; ^
ngn flitigt, be diligent (assiduous) in o.’s
attentions to (ei. in paying o.’s respects to);
(erterhangset) dance attendance upon; ngn med
.., wait upon .. with[a tribute of] [speeches

and songs, flowers], -ande, I. p. a. attendant
[cavalier] (afv. ss. subst. en [chamberlain]
in waiting. II. subst, attending SS, jfr vid. följ. •.
-ning, 1. (ande) attendance; offering of o.’s
duty (ei. respects) [to ..]; [congratulatory ei.
complimentary] call [för, on]. 2. (afv. ibi.
med pi. -ar) -ande föije attendants; gentlemen
(ei. lords, ladies) in waiting; ofta [with] suite,
uppveckla, tr. unfold, unwrap,
uppvigllla, tr. excite (rouse) .. (stir .. up) [to
revolt (rebellion ei. mutiny)]; instigate [.. to
crime]; ~ till uppror, afv. instigate rebellion
among .. -ande, -t, 0, exciting
instigation ; agitation, -are, stirrer up of rebellion,
mover of sedition, incendiary; jfr via., folk-.
-ing, se -ande; nar, afv. agitation,
-ings|för-Sök, attempt to instigate rebellion &S; afv.
attempted mutiny,
uppvislla, tr. aiim. show afv. Midi. [t. ex. the truth
of ..], afv. show up [an exercise (skoi.); (-. blotta)
a mistake]; afv. produce, jfr vid. framvisa;
present [a bill for payment]; ~ rekryter, sina elever,
give an exhibition of; show off, parade; man
kan icke n .., you cannot produce [anything
to beat it : maken därtill; Such good results];
you cannot give (point to) [another example],
-ande, showing SS; [upon : vid] presentation;

jfr vid.: -ning, 1. se föreg. 2. konkr. mil. o. skol.
exhibition [t. ex. of skill in ..; of drilling]; mil.
review, muster, äfv. parade; aiim. show [-[performance].-] {+[per-

uppvuxen, (p. p. af uppväxa) p. a. se fullvuxen.
uppväck||a, tr. (jfr vid. väcka) eg. wake; raise
[from the dead; jfr äfv. r. a storm of [-indignation],-] {+indigna-
tion],+} rouse [.. from (out of) sleep; a p.’s
indignation, passions; a p. out of his
reflections, to activity]; excite [envy], prompt
[feelings, an idea in a p.’s head : hos ngn],
-ande, waking, SS; äfv. excitation; jfr vid.
uppvaknande. -else, jfr föreg, samt uppståndelse, 1.
uppvädra, tr. get scent of, scent (sniff) out.
uppväglla, tr. eg. weigh out [a pound of .. to
her] ; med hafstång prize up ; med egen tyngd (äfv.
Midi.) balance (afv.: ~ hvarandra); is. Midi.
counterbalance, ibi. countervail; starkare o mer
an outweigh, outbalance; Midi. (ersatta)
compensate (make up) for [the loss]; ~ .. med
guld, pay for .. with its weight in gold; -des
af, afv. was redeemed by [many virtues],
uppvärmda, tr. warm, heat; afv. get [the room]
warm; mat afv. warm up. -ning, warming [up]
SS; heating afv. i sms. [t. ex. h. -apparatus],
uppväx||a, intr. 1. grow up [out of ..]; Midi,
arise [from, out of]. 2. grow up (to man’s
estate), -ande, p. a. growing [up]; det n
släktet, the generation [now] growing up,
the rising generation, -t, I .p. a. grown [up],
adult. II. -en, 0, growth; under nen, during
the period of growth, in the growing period
(ei. age); while growing [a lad is . .J.
uppå, prep, se på.

’V lifca med föreg, uppslagsord* Q saknar plur.

- pl. och sing. lika. † har opaljud. F familjärt. («) närmast motsvarande,

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