- Project Runeberg -  Norge, fremstillet i tegninger / Norge, exibited in Engravings /

(1881) Author: Christian Tønsberg
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Mellem Christiansand og Bergen tilsøs.

ogsaa været Reinald, dtr til Minde om sin Hjemstavn
indviede „sit nye Cathedra" til St. Svithun, Biskop
i Winchester 837 til 862, af hvis Levninger, som
opbevaredes i denne Stads Kathedral, ogsaa en Armlæg
blev skjænket Stavanger for at danne det nysoprettede
Bispesædes fornemste Helligdom. Flere af de senere
Konger skjænkede ogsaa Kirken store Gaver; saaledes
st adfæstede Haakon Haakonsen Magnus Erlingssøns
ovenomtalte Gave til Kirken. — I 1272 rammedes
Kirken af en frygtelig Ildebrand. I den Anledning
blev der fra 1275 til 1287 af Erkebispen udstedt en
Mængde Afladsbreve til dem, der bidroge til Kirkens
GjenopbyggeJse, og i 1290 udkom fra Paven en Bulle
i samme Øiemed. I Midten af det 15de Aarhundrede
slod Kirken i sin høieste Glands; da havde den 18
Altere med tilhørende Kapeller. Reformationens
Indførelse {.’jorde imidlertid hastig Ende paa denne
Herlighed; omtrent 1540 blev Kirken fuldstændig plyndret,
alle Prydelser borttoges, Domkapitlets Papirer
opbrændtes paa Kirkegaarden, og Kirkens Jordegods og
Eiendomme bleve den fratagne. Følgen heraf var, at
Kirken i nogle Aar stod forladt og truede med aldeles
at forfalde, indtil et Kongebrev af Frederik den Anden
befalede dens Istandsættelse. Selv ved denne Tid siger
Peder Claussøn om den, „at dens Lige ikke er at
finde i Norge uden Throndhjems Kirke." I Midten af
det 18de Aarh. lod man „Kirken udspekke og
hvid-gjøre ved Kalkning," og saadan stod den idethele til
1867. Da besluttede man at restaurere dette herlige
Bygningsværk og saavidt muligt søge at bringe den
tilbage i dens gamle Skikkelse. Restaurationen, hvor-

Between Christiansand and Bergen seawards. ß3

rebuilding of the Cathedral; and in 1290 the pope
published a Bull to the same effect. In the middle of
the 15th century, the church had reached its greatest
splendour: it had then 18 altars, with chapels adjoining.
But the Reformation soon put an end to all this
grandeur; about the year 1540 the church was
plundered, all ornaments being carried off; the
cathedral papers were burnt in the cemetery, and the
landed estates and other property of the church
confiscated. The natural consequence was, that the
building stood lonely and deserted for several years,
and began to show signs of decay, when a Royal
Edict arrived from King Frederik the Second,
containing express orders to commence its restoration. Even
at ihat time, says Peder Clausen, its equal is not to
be found in the land of Norway, save that of
Throndhjem. In the middle of the 18th cent, "they had the
church thoroughly whitewashed" and so it remained
till 1867. In that year it was resolved to restore so
noble a specimen of architecture, and, so far as
possible, give it back its original appearance. The
Restoration of the Cathedral, for which the municipality
furnished the means is now finished; and the edifice
as it now stands is well worth seeing. — The church
is 100 ells long, and consists of the nave, the armory,
and the choir. The choir, which beyond doubt was
built a few years after the fire in 1272, is 34’/a ells
long, of the same width and altitude as the central
nave. It is constructed principally of hewn steatite,
in the richest English Gothic style, and is one of the
finest specimens of architecture to be found in Scan-

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