- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / I /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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highly fpoken of, though they would be reckoned but very
middling, or rather mean, in feveral other countries. I was fur-
prized to find that there was no ftraw or other bedding for the
horfes.. The animals ftand or lie on perforated boards, like fol-
diers in barracks. This practice I found to be univerfal through-
out all Scandinavia. It occurred to me that it might have had its
origin in the oeconomy of faving ftraw for the cattle in a coun-
try where winter provender is fo much wanted: and, perhaps,
this may be really the cafe; though even in Denmark, where
{traw and other provender are abundant, the fame pra¢tice is fol-
lowed. It has been approved by the Veterinary Colleges of both
Stockholm and. “Co enhagen and univerfally adopted by the
royal and other great” families, on account of its falutary effect
on the foot of the horfe. ‘In countries where the horfes ftand
in a hot-bed produced by their own litter, their feet become ten-
der and fubject to divers diforders ; ; but you very feldom fee a
lame or foundered horfe.in Sweden or Denmark, which, if it is not
to be afcribed to the {kill of the licenfed farriers, who are (at
leaft in the Danifh dominions) all brought up in the Veterinary
College, may, to a certain degree, be owing to the manner of
keeping the horfe on boards inftead of ftraw. In moft countries
wood is dear and fcarce: but if any other fubftitute could be
found for ftraw in the bedding of horfes, the reduction it would
bring about in the price of hay and corn muft be very great. It
is well known that, in many places, ftraw is the only food that is
afforded during the winter months, for cattle and even horfes. ,


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