- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / I /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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is no enjoyment without play. No perfon is looked upon as fo-
ciable and pleafant, unlefs he knows how to play at boffon:* this
is reckoned the height of focial accomplifhment. All you can
do in f{ummer in the open air for your amufement, 1s to make
excurfions in the environs of Stockholm, or to faunter in the
garden of Vauxhall, which is an humble imitation of that near
London. As for walking about in the town, that 1s out of the:
queftion, on account of the pavement of the ftreets, which, I be-
lieve, is by far the worft that can be met with in Europe. There
are fometimes carriage-races, and alfo boat-races, or what they
call regatta, which ferve as a temporary diverfion. The prin-
cipal walks or excurfions are, to the royal parks at Ulrik{dal,
Haga, Drottningholm, and Carleberg. The king has fome palaces
in the vicinity of Stockholm, befides thefe of Gripfholm, and:
Stromfholm; but the moft beautiful, as well as the moft fre-
quently inhabited, is that of Drottningholm.

Drottningholm, or Queen’s Ifland, is fituated at the diftance of
fix miles from Stockholm, on an ifland in the lake of Malar.
The palace or caftle ftands on the edge of the lake, which here
prefents a magnificent view. The fituation of the palace is beau-
tiful, and the gardens belonging to it being of confiderable extent
add much to its allurements. This building appears to great ad-
vantage. The front and back parts are perfectly uniform, each
containing thirty-one windows, befides thofe in the two pavilions
or wings. Near the place isa number of houfes, in which one

* Bofton is the name of a game at cards not unlike that of cafino.

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