- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / I /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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On the other hand, jou/f fignified fingle combat, when knight was
oppofed to knight, and {quire to fquire, with javelin or dagger.
After the proclamation of a tournament, and whiltft the place of
action was preparing, the knights difplayed their titles and rights
for entering the lifts, by an exhibition of the armorial bearings of
their families, which were expofed to public view in the cloifters
of fome adjoining monatftery.

The royal park which is very large, and planted with trees afi va-
rious kinds, is fituated at the eaft fide of Stockholm, towards the
fea. On the firft day of May the king and all the court, in their
carriages, accompanied by a guard, go in proceffion round the park
two or three times. Sometimes the king and prince will alight
from their carriages, and converfe with the foreign minifters or
other favourites, who happen to be prefent at this ceremony. On
a {mall eminence of the park which proje¢ts into the fea, the Spa-
nifh ambaffador has not long ago built a fummer houfe. All the
fhips paffing and repafling from the harbour of Stockholm come fo
near to this promontory, if I may call it by this name, as almoft
to touch it: and a perfon may fpeak with the crew or paflengers
from the windows of that lodge, without raifing his voice above the
ufual pitch. When in the lodge, you fancy yourfelf on board of a
{hip, not on ferra firma. In this there isa fingularity and novelty,
which gives an incitement to the mind, and gratifies the imagina-
tion, in rough weather, by amomentary apprehenfion of danger,
foon changed into joy by the recollection that there exifts not the
leaft ground for alarm. Some of the Roman emperors, if I recolle@


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