- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / I /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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66 eC ‘TRAVELS .

chin, and paints his face. If, added to thefe decorations, he can
but {crape a little on the fiddle, he is the darling of all the ladies
who play, in their feeble way, on the harpfichord. A tafte for
mufic in Swedifh focieties, is by no means the predominant paf-
fion. It is as yet fo little formed, and the judgment of the au-
dience fo wavering and uncertain, that, after hearing any thing
played, they will confider with themfelves what opinion it may
be proper to give; and watch the countenance of any foreigner
that may happen to be prefent m order to. regulate their fenti- ;
ments, and decide concerning their own impreffions. Tafte is the
refult of a well conftructed and well informed mind, and of a fen-
fibility of difpofition. Until the Swedifh ladies fhall change their
minds and hearts, they will always fing and play more for the
purpofe of furprizing by the eafe of their execution, than for that
of giving delight by their expreffion. It is impoffible that they
fhould communicate to others what they do not feel themfelves.
However, for their confolation it may be faid, that in France,
Germany, England, and in all countries, there are muficians of
the fame inefficient clafs.

The want of mufic in the polite circles, or any thing approach-
ing to that fcience, is not, Iam forry to fay, compenfated by the.
attraGtions and charms of converfation. You feel the want of
many things in Sweden, which in fome other countries confti-
tute a fund of focial pleafure and entertainment. There is, for
inftance, nothing to be met with that refembles thofe friendly
dinners, where a {mall number of felect friends meet, not for the


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