- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / I /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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neighbouring kingdom, I could never find in the capital, nor in
all Sweden, more than two. The periodical publications of Den-
mark ihe fraught with the moft liberal opinions on every fubject.
In Sweden publications are {topped without the allegation of any
reafon whatever, or on pretences the moft frivolous. The Journal,
entitled, ‘© Memoirs of the Society for the Improvement of Know-
«ledge moft ufeful to the generality of Citizens,” digefted and
publifhed by a fociety of philanthropic individuals, which was
held in great eftimation by the public, was put an end to by the
king: and neither the members of the fociety, nor the editors
of the journal were ever able to obtain from his majefty any
account of the caufe of its fuppreflion. Another journal, called
Extrapofien, (nearly anfwering to the word Courier) was filenced
on account of a dialogue which it contained between Luther
and: the Devil, in which the latter appeared to be too good a lo-
gician. In 1798 a royal edict was iffued, ordering that no
periodical writings whatever fhould be publifhed without exprefs
permiffion from the king. The only two works of the kind that
at prefent come out in Sweden are—Journal for Swedifh Litera-
ture, and a Collection of mifcellaneous fubjects for reading.* The
firft is only a catalogue of Swedifh books, with critical remarks.
The editor is Mr. Silverftolpe, a man of confiderable learning,
and ofa very fatirical turn. The fecond is a work written in a

fine ftyle and manner, and contains many beautiful pieces in lite-

* Lafning i blandade amnen.

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