- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / I /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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C. J. Leopold, the Voltaire of Sweden. He has written many:
things, and all of them of great merit. His beft work is his tra-
gedy of Oden. He is an adept im feveral branches of literature.
In the department of belles-lettres he 1s a defpot, carrying his
praife or cenfure to the higheft extravagance. Leopold is at pre-
fent fecretary to his majefty, and librarian.

Mr. Blom, a fenator of Stockholm, who obtained the fecond
prize through the favour of Mr. Leopold. On this occafion a
poem was written in the Swedifh language, the title of which
being interpreted, is, “ An Epiftle in Verfe to thofe who are am-
“ bitious of immortal Fame.”

Nils Sjoberg, who gained the prize of the academy feveral times.

Nils Von Rofenftein ; Adlerbeth; and Murrberg. All three be-
longing to the academy of belles-lettres.

Dr. Von Wingard, bifhop of Gothenburg. The bifhop ae
the reputation of being a very eloquent and pathetic preacher:
his funeral fermon on the late queen dowager, and his difcourfe
at the opening of the diet, 1786, are ftill fpoken of with great en-

Mr. Lobeth, one of the moft active managers of the theatre ;
Mr. Edelkranz, author of an Elegy on the death of the queen
dowager, mother of Guftavus II]. who rewarded him with a
place in the academy. An amateur of natural philofophy: he
gave the plan of the telegraph in Sweden.

Mr. Nordin, above mentioned; Mr. Silverftolpe, who more
than once gained the prize of the academy for eloquence. and

poetry ;

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