- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / I /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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juttice are now held, near the church of Riderfholm, a cabinet of
models, or repofitory of machines, the moft complete colle@ion
of the kind that I have ever feen or heard of. The models re-
lateeither to new inventions, or to improvements in machinery ;
they are kept in a fpacious room, and arranged in a very proper
and elegant manner. Among the models for rural ceconomy you
obferve different kinds of mills, inftraments for fowing grain, for
fhearing or cutting, and gathering the crop, and alfo for threfhing
it; hydraulic machines, ftoves ufed in the mines, and pumps,
with their apparatus and mode of working them. It may feem
fcarcely credible, even almoft miraculous, yet it is neverthelefs
true, that the Swedes have invented a mechanical overfeer, one
who performs more faithfully, diligently, indefatigably, accurately,
and more equitably to both parties, the employers and employed,
the duties of fuperintendant of workmen. A confiderable part
of the labour in the mines confifts in working the pumps, there-
fore a clock has been invented for marking the number of ftrokes
given by the pumpers; hence the precife proportion of work they
have performed is eafily afcertained. Here too are models of
light-houfes, and various methods of making fignals to navigators ;
achair in which a perfon may conveniently move himfelf from
one place to another; an inftrument which thews the line of di-
rection taken by a ball when difcharged from a cannon or mortar:
but it would be endlefs to enumerate all the ingenious contrivances
that may be furveyed in this curious depofitory. ‘They are many
of them the works of the celebrated engineer and mechanic Pol-


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