- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / I /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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thoughout the whole, and a nice attention to the laws of per-
fpective. : :
Mr. Deprez, firft achitect to the king, well known, as I fhould
fappofe, in England, where he paffed fome time, and where he
excited fome attention. He perhaps is the greateft fcene painter
for the decoration of theatres in Europe. He has a thorough
knowledge of hiftorical fcenery, the contraft of light and fhade,
the effects produced by the different lights of the fun and the
moon by perfpective, and various machinery. The richneds of his
mind and imagination is aftonifhing. His mafterpiece is the de-
corations for the opera of Guftavus Vafa: in this, the ftyle of ar-
ehite@ture for the palace of Chriftierna is well conceived ; the dif-
férent decorations of the tents of Guftavus and Chriftierna are
fuperb. The dreams of Chriftierna are worthy of all the ftores of
his own exuberant fancy. His greateft difficulty is to moderate
and bring down the conceptions of his warm and highly exalted
imagination to the fmallnefs of the fize of the theatre of Stock-
holm. It was impoffible to fix on a man more calculated to give
fatisfaction to Guftayus HII. or between whofe mind and ‘that
monarch’s there was greater affinity. The king, when in a high-
fpirited and communicative mood, was wont to fay to thofe about
him, ‘* There is nobody who has any real fancy but myfelf and
“ Deprez.” tis much to be regretted that this great man, fo
well fitted to difplay to advantage his genius and talents on. an
extenfive theatre, fhould be buried in Sweden, where, no longer
employed in the theatre, he fcarcely: can contrive to exift, and


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