- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / I /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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raife potatoes, rye, and barley, and have about three hundred acres
of arable land in cultivation. Not far from the town is-a printied
cotton maunfadtory ; alfo a houfe for boiling pitch, a ftore-houfe
for tar, afaw-mill near the mouth of the river Kulajoki, &c. The
magiftracy confifts of a burgomafter and fix council-men. About
a mile from Carleby are fome {prings of mineral water.

From Gamla Carleby we continued our journey on the ice, and
experienced a new {fenfation peculiar to this mode of travelling.
We have before obferved, that the froft is here fo intenfe, as to
arreft the fea in its waving motion. The fun becoming more
powerful with the advancement of the feafon, melted confider-
ably the ice on the furface. The water thus produced during the
day, colleéted in the cavities or furrows, and formed little pools
or rivulets, which we were under the neceflity of traverfing in our
fledges; and as they were always a confiderable depth in the
middle, -we faw ourfelves defcending we knew not where, and ac-
tually thought we fhould fink to the bottom of the ocean. The

Ff _intrepidity, or rather indifference, with which the Finlander made

Pik his way through thofe pools, encouraged us a little; but the re-

- colle@tion that we were upon the fea, and a confcioufnefs that the
water was entering our fledge, excited at firft frightful apprehen-
fions, and a continued difagreeable feeling.

In nights of fevere and intenfe cold, fuch as frequently occur at
that time of the year, a cruft of ice is formed over thofe pools,
infomuch, that the water becomes inclofed between two plates of
ice: in this cafe the fledge, as it pafles over the upper cruft, which

Vou. I. as k 1s

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