- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / I /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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then take the bath together, that I might become more familiar
with the manners and cuftoms of the natives. The ftones in the
{mall apartments of the bath were accordingly heated, and a young
girl of eighteen years of age, who had the office of attending, in-
formed us when every thing was ready. After we entered the
bath, the girl firft {tripped us naked, and then began to throw
water as ufual upon the ftones. She prefented us with a bafon
of cold water, and birch rods, with which we were to {witch our-
felves. Feeling as a ftranger, I was quite out of countenance at
my prefent fituation, but {trove to keep up my fpirits by con-
{tantly turning my eyes towards my companion, and endeavour-
ing to imitate, as much as poffible, his moft exemplary indif-
ference. The heat of the vapour rofe to fifty degrees of Celfius:
at firft I felt a violent oppreffion, and had it quickly augmented,
I believe, naked as I was, I fhould have made my efcape from the
bath; But forcing myfelf to perfevere, I became gradually accuf-
tomed to it, and after fome time was able to fupport a heat of
65 degrees. Under this heat it wasan extreme pleafure to throw
water upon the head, and to feel it running all over the body.
The birchen rods were garnifhed with leaves, and by dipping them
in the bafon of cold water, and afterwards lafhing the body, one
enjoys nearly the fame fenfation. Having been about half an hour
in the bath, my friend Caftrein, as I declined being the firft to fub-
mit to all the ufual difcipline of the place, entered upon the procefs
without delay, in order that I might fee how I ought to conduct,
myfelf in my turn. ‘The girl gave him a little ftool to fit upon,


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