- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / I /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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other, who will have the fame horfes after they are returned from
the firft. |

The country rifes into fmall hills, which here and there are
covered with pine and fir-trees. In the vicinity of rivers, and in
marfhy ground, the willow and birch-tree feem to be favourites
of the foil. The profpect affords nothing very interefting, except
the continual prefence of the fun, which, as he never leaves the
horizon, renders travelling by night extremely agreeable.

The inhabitants, on the whole of this route, are of the true
Finnifh race, and fpeak the genuine language of Finland; they
all have the fame habits, the fame ftature, the fame drefs, the
fame wants, and the fame manner of living. |

Ofver Tornea, or Upper Tornea, is the parifh which agithe
fuperintendence of all the clergy and churches of that part of
Lapland, which is in the dependence of Torned. The head mini-
fter of the parifh is the reverend Mr. Swamberg. Having paid pur
compliments to him, he infifted on our lodging at his houfe with
our whole company, ten perfons in all. The place where travel-
lers commonly ftop, is the village of Mattarange, at the diftance
of about a hundred yards favaree the clergyman’s houfe ; but Mr.
Caftrein, who was of our party, being himfelf a fuperintendent,
and of the fame rank with Mr. Swamberg, could not haye re-
mained with us, or done lefs than fleep at the houfe of a brother
clergyman. ‘There was ftilla more cogent reafon for our lodging
with Mr. Swamberg, namely, that at Mattarange the accommo-
dations are miferably bad, and would. not have been capactous

3A2 enough

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