- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / I /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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Stay at Kengis—Entertainment given by the Infpector—The Bear-
Dance a very fatiguing fort of Amufement—Vifit from fome young
Women of the Neighbourhood; among them one,.a Native of Kol-
lare, of a furprifing Degree of bodily Strength—Separation of the
Travellers—The Author and another Gentleman alone proceed

Northward—Geographical Notice on the River Tornea.

HE infpector of the founderies at Kengis fpared no expence

that could contribute to render our ftay at this place agree-

able to us. He thought nothing in his houfe too coftly for our
entertainment: he affembled the peafants to fhew us their danc-
ing and the genius of their mufic; and on Sunday he treated our-
party with punch and liqueurs in a handfome little tent, which he

had ereéted on a {mall eminence under his Italian poplars.

Among the different dances exhibited by the peafants on this
occafion, there was one which feemed particularly curious; it is
called, in the language of the country, the bear’s-dance. A pea-
fant refts his hands upon the ground, and at the fame time fup-
ports himfelf on his legs, e as to keep his body in a horizontal
pofition, like the bear, or any other animal, when it walks on all


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