- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / I /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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This day, which was Sunday, pafled in mirth and feftivity.
The infpector, to fhew the great amiability of his character, gave
us a Swedifh fong and a toaft to cach gla of punch, and it was
in vain to decline filling a bumper. At midnight we quitted this
tent to obferve, on a more elevated ground, the height of the fun
as ufual; but on this occafion the company was by no means
unanimous; not as to the fun’s elevation alone, one perfon main-
taining he faw two, and others, equally confident and inebriated,
that they faw no fewer than four. Inftead; however, of difcuf-
fing the merits of the queftion with intemperate warmth, though
held to be a matter of ferious importance, we conducted our-
felves with more prudence than the learned perhaps might have
done on a fubject of lefs magnitude; for we refolved to go to
fleep, and adjourn the /ubverfion of the planetary fyftem till the
next morning. In fhort, on the night following, at the fame hour,
we were perfectly agreed both as to the height and number of funs.

If Sunday had paffed in all the pleafures of convivial enjoy-
ment, Monday, the period fixed for our departure, was fo much
the more fad and melancholy. Three of our friends took leave
of us: Mr. Bellotti, Mr. Julin, and Dr. Deutfch would not, and
indeed, for particular reafons, could not, expofe themfelves to the
dangers of our expedition, and chofe to return to Tornea and
Uleaborg. Our plan of travels received fuch a fevere fhock by
their departure, as nothing but the moft determined refolution
could refift. Friendfhip and the infection of example made us

hefitate for fome time as to the propriety of perfifting in our en-
terprife ;

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