- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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deep in the mofs, that we thought we fhould be immerfed in it
up to our necks. We fometimes met with places fo deep and
boggy, that it was highly dangerous to fet a foot upon them. The
branches everywhere intercepted our paflage, while the veils we
wore on our faces, to protect them from the ftings of infects,
caught hold of the branches, and were in danger of being torn in
pieces by every twig. ‘Tall fir and pine-trees, which the wind
had levelled with the ground, and which time had almoft con-
verted into duft, lay fcattered in the woods. We withed to
efcape the embarraflment of the mofs, by ftepping along the
trees that lay in our way; but we found their fubftance generally
fo rotten and decayed, that now and then they fuddenly gave
way under our feet, and we could with difficulty fave ourfelves
from falling.

In this manner we had travelled about two Englifh miles, when
notice was given us that the cataracts were become {fo formidable,
that there was no chance of carrying the boats farther up the
river. To proceed without our boats was not to be thought of,
it being impoffible to get to Muonionifca but by crofling the
river Muonio; and befides, there was another {maller river at the
oppofite fide. The only expedient we had left was to haul the
boats on fhore, and to drag them about two miles through the
woods, where we would come to a part of the river more quiet
and practicable for failing on. Simon was the firft to embrace
this refolution; and without knowing that we had travelled on
the fea drawn by horfes, he propofed that we fhould travel


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