- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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Departure from Muonionifca, July the firft—Exceffive Heat—Travel

by Night—A Settlement called Pallajovenié—Proper Boundary of
Lapland—Miftake of Travellers and Geographers concerning Lap-
land—Face of the Country between Muonionifca and Pallasovenié,
and thence to Kautokeino—The fmall Rivers of the Country offer
more Novelty than the greater ones—Difficulties arifing from _fhal-
low Water—The Rein-deer Mofs (Lichen rangiferinus, Linn.)
covering the whole Surface of the Ground: Vegetation near it—
Arrival at Lappagervi—Mu/quetoes exceedingly troublefome—Fires
and Smoke the moft effectual Protection againft them—Some Lap-
land Fifhermen—Their Habitations—A Night paffed with thefe
People, and Accommodation afforded.

E fet off from Muonionifca on the firft day of July, about
ten o’clock at night. The atmofphere was heated to a

degree nearly fuffocating throughout the whole of the day. The

thermometer of Celfius fhewed at noon 29 degrees; at midnight

it fell down to 19 degrees. The water in the rivers and lakes was

clear and limpid, and we fhould gladly have bathed ourfelves, had

we not been deterred from fuch a refolution by the mufquetoes,

who would have devoured us alive, if we had expofed ourfelves


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