- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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not without much trouble that our interpreter fucceeded in quict-
ing their fears.

Among the Laplanders there was one whom they honoured
with the title of fchool-mafter. This appellation gave mea high
idea of Kautokeino; and I expeéted to meet with another parfon,
like the one of Muonionifca, who fhould come to tafte our brandy,
and fpeak a little Latin, mixed with the Lapponic: but the mi-
nifter of Kautokeino happened at this time to be abfent. He had
gone, I underftood, into Norway, to tarry {ome time with his re-
lations. The minifters, or miffionaries, do not ufually remain in
Lapland during the fummer months. We took poffeffion of the
prieft’s houfe, or rather chamber, for it confifted only of one apart-
ment. Being thus lodged, and fomewhat recovered from our fa-
tigues, we were in a condition better qualified to become ac-
guainted with the village of Kautokeino, where we recognifed
ourfelves as fubject_ to the laws of Denmark.

The firft thing we did was to pay our Lapland attendants. But
before we gave them their difmiffion, we were determined to
make an experiment of their talents in another fpecies of know-
ledge than any in which we had yet tried them. We defired to
hear them fing, being anxious to have a fpecimen of their {kill in
mufic. I attempted feveral times, both by the power of money
and of brandy, to make the paftoral Laplander utter his notes,
that I might form to myfelf, if poffible, fome idea of their mufic:
but the utmoft I could accomplifh was to extort from them fome

hideous crics, during the continuance of which I was fometimes

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