- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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Situation of Kautokeino—Boundary between the Swedifh and Danifh
Territories—An Infiance of juft Reafoning ona political Topic—
Baron Hermelin’s Maps of Sweden, Finland, and Lapland—Diffi-
culty of obtaining good Maps of thofe Countries: thofe which exift
are far from being accurate—Diverfity of Names given to the fame
Places, and confufion occafioned by this Circumftance—Anecdotes of
the School-mafler of Kautokeino—Difiridt or Parifh of Kautokeino
—Population and Inhabitants—Wandering Laplanders, and thofe
that have fixed Habitations—Their Mode of Life—Chafe of the
wild Rein-deer—Annual Fair at Kautokeino, and Traffic carried
on—Cattle and Sheep—Low Eftimation in which the latter are
held—Departure from Kautokeino—State of the Weather and the
Thermometer — Journey purfued in Boats—The River Alten:
beautiful Scenery —Mu/quetoes.

ILL our arrival, the village of Kautokeino was confidered as
wholly infulated in the fummer feafon, and inacceffible to
travellers. The furrounding diftrict is defcribed in the Danifh
. book of geography as a country confifting of mountains, feparated
from each other by dangerous and impaffable moraffes. It was

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