- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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trees and brufhwood, about three hundred paces from the banks of
the river. If in the whole of our travels in thofe northern regions
we had not fo much as feen one Laplander, or had landed near
this church from a balloon, we could not poffibly have formed any
other opinion than that we had come toa land of pigmies. I was
greatly ftruck with the architecture and the dimenfions of this
building: the whole was on fo dwarfifh a fcale, fo little, fo low,
and fo narrow, that at firft fight I fhould have been tempted to
take it not for a real church, but for the model of one. To have
an adequate idea of its diminutive fize, imagine a door of little
more than three feet high, a roof no more than fix, and the whole
edifice, comprifing a veftibule, the body of the church, and a fa-
crifty, or veftry, not exceeding eight yards in length, by four in

breadth. It feemed as if I, who was thought in thefe parts,

“« In bignefs to furpafs earth’s giant fons,”

rnight, when placed in a corner of the church, the fartheft from
the pulpit, have almoft touched the minifter’s nofe with the point
of my boot, by ftretching out my leg without even rifing from
my feat. The native of Italy could not reftrain a fmile at this
{pecimen of Lapland architecture.

When we had paffed about two Norwegian miles and a half
farther down the river, we met with two Laplanders of Kauto-
keino, who had travelled thus far for the purpofe of fifhing. We
had now arrived at the place where it became neceffary for us to
quit our boats, and to purfue our journey on foot over that great

6 chain

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