- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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had afcended tour miles, the mountain began to affume a flat-
tifh and naked afpe@, without a fingle tree. It was wholly co-
vered with the common mofs of the rein-deer, fave where this
extenfive carpet was broken, and checquered with moraffes, ba-
fons of water, and lakes, altogether forming a landfcape the
moft dreary and melancholy conceivable. There was nothing
to engage our attention, to amufe our fancy, or to confole
and cheer our fpirits. A vaft expanfe lay before us, which we
were to meafure with our feet, through ‘moraffes in which we
were not without danger of being fwallowed up. On the fum-
mit of this chain of mountains we traverfed a fpace of not lefs
than fifteen Englifh miles, fometimes wrapped in a cloud, and
fometimes marching over the {now, though in the midft of fum-
mer. The temperature of the air, in this elevation, had under-
gone a confiderable change. Our thermometer indicated a re-
markable difference of degrees from that of the furface of the river
of Alten. This climate was not very inviting to the mufquetoes.
If we had not been obliged to purfue our way through a number
of low fhrubs, we fhould have been but little troubled by them:
but the {warms that we raifed from the bufhes when we began to
climb, accompanied us faithfully during the whole of our progrefs
through the mountains. Even when our route lay through heights
covered with f{now, our eternal foes purfued us ftill. Unfortu-
nately it was a perfect calm: not a breath of wind to drive away
thofe peftiferous companions.

In the courfe of our journey through thofe lofty and dreary re-


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