- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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of the rein-decr, a fmall quantity of milk of the fame, and dried
fifth. A little further was a rude inclofure, or paling, made in
hafte, which ferved as a fold or yard for the rein-deer when they
were brought together to be milked—thofe animals were not
near the tents at the time we made our vifit: they were in
the mountains, from whence they would not defcend till to-
- wards night. As we did not feel ourfelves difpofed to ramble
about in queft of them, at the hazard of lofing ourfelves among a
feries of mountains, exhibiting throughout an uniform appear-
ance, we judged it more advifable to offer fome brandy to the
Laplanders, on condition that they would go with their dogs and
bring the rein-deer home, or as near as they could to the tent.
Scarcely had they fwallowed the brandy, which we had given
them as an earneft of more, when we heard the fhrill barking of
the dogs refounding through the mountains. The Laplanders
then told us that the rein-deer were coming; and very fhortly
after we beheld a troop of not lefs than three hundred deer de-
{cending from the mountains ina direction towards the tent. We
then infifted that they fhould drive the rein-deer within the in-
clofure near the tent, that we might have an opportunity of feeing
and examining them the better, and tafting the milk frefh from
the does. They did as we defired; but not without very great
difficulty, becaufe the animals, not being accuftomed to be fhut
up in the fold at that hour of the day, were unwilling to
be confined, and it was not till after repeated efforts that the
~ Laplanders were able at laft, with,the affiftance of the dogs, to


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