- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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are two or three merchants and a clergyman, with a few other
families. All thofe little fettlements on this coaft beara very near
refemblance to each other: around them is the fame fterility, the
fame nakednefs, the fame rocks.

Near Hammerfeft flows a fmall mver which paffes through a
pleafing glen, fhaded by fome birch-trees: in this river there are
fome excellent falmon caught. Directly oppofite to Hammerfett
is a peninfula called Hwalmyfling, abounding very much with
hares, for the {kins of which the proprietor draws from. two to
three hundred rix dollars a year. One of the merchants at Ham-
merfeft gave us a confufed account of an Englifh frigate, about
feven or eight years before, having come to thofe coafts, in the
time of his. predeceflors, with two aftronomers, one of whom built
an obfervatory for himfelf on a neighbouring mountain, and the
other went to fix his refidence for fome time at the North Cape.
He neither recollected the particular year, nor the names of the
aftronomers; but only that the appearance of the fhip made fuch
an impreffion on the people on thofe coafts, that they all came to
fee her, and went away with terrible apprehenfions that fhe had
come to carry war and deftruction into their country. The cler-
gyman of Hammerfeft was fo {quare and ftout a man, and of fo
gigantic a ftature, that if the extent of his underftanding had borne
any proportion to that of his corporeal frame, he would have been
the ableft divine of our age. He fpoke both Latin and German, and
was very inquifitive about news and politics. He was mightily re-
joiced at feeing us, being convinced that we fhould be able to give


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