- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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gentleman travelling in thofe parts, for the improvement of na-
tural hiftory. This refpectable clergyman had gone out of the
houfe a few minutes before our arrival. Finding his wife to be a
very intelligent, as well as a civilized and well-bred woman, we
put feveral queftions to her refpecting the population and natural
productions of that part of the country, on which fhe produced
her hufband’s manufcript, elucidating the very fubjects concern-
ing which we defired to obtain fome information. This manu-
{cript was divided into five chapters; the 1{t. on the population
of the parifh of Enontekis; 2d. on ecclefiaftical affairs; 3d. on
the colonies eftablifhed there; 4th. on the nomadical or paftoral
Laplanders ; and the 5th. on natural productions. I made fome
extracts from the manufcript, which | fhall communicate to the

The population of the village of Enontekis, and of the whole
parifh, confifts of nme hundred and thirty fouls; of which two
hundred and fifty-eight are colonifts, or fixed Laplanders; and
fix hundred and feventy-two are nomades, or wandering families,
who live in the mountains taking care of the rein-deer.

Concerning the yearly income of his living, and the rents re-
ceived from this parifh, the minifter is filent: but he fpeaks much
of the far-fpread renown of the church of Enontekis; extended
even to the moft remote regions of the North. The Norwegians,
he fays, when-they are going to undertake any long and dangerous
journey, are in the habit of fending to the church of Enontekis,

a candle to be burned there, or fome other {mall prefent, by way


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