- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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He mentions the enormous quantity of wolves, which in the
courfe of the preceding year (1798) had committed extraordinary
ravages among the rein-deer, and which he afcribes to the war
in Finland.

On the fubject of natural productions, he fays, that potatoes
thrive very well; but that other culinary roots and plants are not
raifed without much difficulty. Barley and oats are produced
here. In the cultivation of the earth they make ufe of a plough
of a conftruction peculiar to the country, but which is very well
adapted to ploughing a foil where there is a great number of large
{tones to be avoided in that operation. The rubus aréficus does

not thrive fo well as the rubus chamaemorus.

The birds he notices are the following :—

Strix Scandiaca Tringa lobata

Strix Nyctea Platalea Leucorodia
Turdus rofeus Anas nigra ;
Motacilla Suecica Anas Erythropus.

Tringa Lapponica

Of infects he neither gives any defcription or enumeration, nor
any lift of their names. He made a collection however of them,
which he fent to his correfpondents in Sweden, and to the aca-
demy of {ciences, from which he has a pention of fixty rix dollars
a year, to enable him to purfue his ftatiftical refearches, and to
make obfervations, and attend to objects of natural hiftory.

6 Our

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