- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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Auft - 1 Gut - 6
Gouft - 2 Zhieezhia 7
Golm - 3 Kautze - 8
Nielja - 4 Autze - 9
Vit - 5 Laage - 10

It appears to be a fingularity in the language of Lapland, that
the names of fluids, metals, minerals, grain, herbs and fruits, are
all of them exprefled only in the plural number. It abounds in
diminutives, which contribute to give that language both grace
and energy of expreffion.

When a Laplander addreffes a Norwegian peafant, he fays,
paffevelje ! that is, my companion! my friend! Ifa woman, fa/-
feooabba! that is, holy fifter !

The rein-deer, held in the higheft eftimation, and which are
fuppofed to be of the greateft value among the Laplanders, are
fuch as are caftrated.. Thefe excel the others both in fize and
fatnefs, and are of extreme utility and advantage to their owners.
Hence fuch phrafes as this: fpeaking of any one whom they think
worthy of the very higheft degree of praife, they fay, waertzcyerz,
or, fe or fhe is abfolutely a caftrated rein-deer. When a certain
Laplandifh and ruftic officer of the peace, or magiftrate, in the
Norfk called /ermand, of the name of John Porfanger, was in an

elevated and boafting mood, he was wont to exclaim, Heerge
zhiouga, I am a cafirated rein-deer.

Of a pregnant woman near her time, they commonly fay, Ni/fox
le kietziembeii in, that is, being interpreted literally, The woman


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