- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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Of the exterior Appearance and bodily Conftitution of the Laplanders
—Their Habits and Mode of Life—Their religious and moral

<) Cape children of the Laplanders are remarkably fat and chubby,

which appears not only in their faces, but other parts of their
bodies. This difpofition to increafe in flefh, however, is lefs per-
ceptible as they grow up. The. Laplander is of a fwarthy and
dark complexion, his hair is black and fhort, his mouth wide,
and his cheeks hollow, with a chin fomewhat long and pointed :
his eyes are weak and watery, which in fome degree proceeds
from the conftant {moke he endures whilft at home, in his tent
or hut; and may likewife be attributed to the fnows which, dur-
ing winter, are conftantly driving in his face, whilft he is abroad
and engaged in hunting upon the mountains, which afford him
no object to fix his eyes upon but what is glaring with whitenefs.

That this weaknefs of his eyes proceeds from thefe caufes, and

efpecially the latter, is highly probable, from the circumftance that

a man often lofes his fight for feveral days after his return from


The Laplanders have been reprefented by fome authors as being


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