- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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called gallokak. The hair is left upon the fkin, and worn on the
outfide of the fhoe, which would render it flippery to walk with,
efpecially on the ice, unlefs the people had the precaution to finge
the hair, and thus by giving it a more uneven furface, make it
fufceptible of friction. This is the more necefiary for children,
who would otherwife meet with many falls and accidents. There
are fhoes which have foles of fealfkin, and the upper-leather of
fome thinner fort, either tanned or untanned. This kind of fhoe
is chiefly worn by thofe who are much on the water. The Lap-
lander makes ufe neither of buckle or latchet, but faftens his thoes
with a thong twifted round his ancle. The better to preferve his
feet from the cold, he fills his fhoes with ftraw or rufhes. As his
pantaloons do not reach down to his heels, his foot is confequently
put into the fhoe naked. The ftraw and rufhes are therefore care-
fully difpofed withinfide the fhoe, and at night taken out to dry,
that they may be fit for ufe the next morning; and when this
lining will ferve no longer, a frefh one is fought for.

The Lapland women make a kind of boot for fale, the fole of
which, as well as the upper-leather, with the heel-pieces, are com-
pofed of the hide of the rein-deer’s legs, with the hair outwards.
The other parts, fuch as the inner fole, the legs, and the knee-
tops, are of cloth, the latter being neatly worked with tinfel wire.
Thete boots are faftened above the knee with a ftrap, from which
hangs a toffel made of fhreds of cloth. The toe of this fort of
boot, which is called by the Laplanders Jacpokak, ends in a fharp


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