- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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fuffered to ftew fome time in the kettle, and when fuppofed to be
fufficiently cooked, are ferved up. To feafon the mefs, a quantity
of oil is referved which has been drained from the feal, in which
the morfels are dipped as they are eaten.

They roaft their fifh as well as flefh, and are fond of the cod-
fith roafted frefh caught. The liver of this and other fith, bruifed
and mixed with cranberries, is confidered as a fayoury difh; and
this, as well as their food in general, which the reader will have
perceived, is of the moft unctuous kind, is eaten without bread.
A diet of this defcription, were it propofed, would be rejected by
phyficians as not conducive to the prefervation of health ; yet the
example of this people making a conftant ufe of fuch food, muft
prove it perfectly compatible with it: for the Laplanders enjoy
that bleffing in its utmoft perfection; chronical diforders, dyfen-
teries, fevers, being unknown amongft them. The only epide-
mical difeafe that has been remaked is a colick, attended with
fpafms, which the phyficians fuppofe to proceed from worms;
but this complaint is rather troublefome than fatal, and does not
invalidate the evidence of their general {tate of uninterrupted good

’ The little ufe they make of bread has been already remarked :
it is, however, to be obferved, that they forma cake, which they
bake on the hearth, compofed of flour mixed with water only.

The Laplanders are not without thofe dainties which are meant
rather to tickle and pleafe the palate, than fatisfy the cravings of
hunger. Thefe little preparations of luxury, which are known at

Bb2 the

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