- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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Houfehold Furniture of the Laplanders.

sane inventory of the articles which conftitute the Laplan-

ders houfehold furniture is very fhort: he has fufficient to
anfwer his wants, and more than this would prove an incum-
brance. The tent of the mountain Laplander is pitched one day
in one place, and the next day removed to another: it is much
the fame with the maritime Laplander. Chairs, tables, and
things or this kind, which other people require, are to them to-
tally unneceffary, and therefore they have them not. If they
poffeffed them, they would have no where to place them, and
when they removed they muft leave them behind; for they could
not, without the greateft inconvenience, carry them away. A
few copper veffels, tin kettles, wooden bowls, and horn {poons,
form the whole of their kitchen utenfils. To this fcanty and un-
expentive catalogue, a few of the richeft individuals add two or three
pewter dithes, and fome filver fpoons. The mountain Laplander
has no light in his hut during the night but what the fire affords
him: the maritime Laplander ufes a lamp. A’ fea fhell holds
the oil, which fupplies the wick made of a kind of rufh, and thus
is the conftant light of a lamp readily procured from materials

8 near

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